Monday, October 31, 2011

My Personal Reason for Voting NO on MS 26

Apparently I was not meant to make it to choir rehearsal on Saturday. One of the choir members, who is a patient and friend of Dr. Freda Bush, tried to do the Jesus guilt trip to make rudely persuade others to vote yes on MS 26, otherwise known as the Personhood Amendment. I try not to act a fool within the confines of a church, so like I said, it was meant for me to be absent.

There are several reasons I'm against this type of legislation. One is a very personal reason. I was raped when I was 17. He did not use a condom and I was not on birth control at the time. It was a harrowing experience, but what I feared even more were the potential consequences. Being a teenage mom would've been bad enough, considering my very religious family, but to be carrying the baby of a rapist? Unbearable. I would not have been able to stand the accusing looks of strangers and church members alike who didn't know (or believe) what happened and assumed I was just another "loose" girl. It would have been a financial burden on my parents for me to have the baby (even if I did give it up for adoption there's still the cost of prenatal care). Every kick and movement and bout of morning sickness would have reminded me of the attack. I would have hated that baby as much as I hated that man. Even though I felt like abortion was wrong morally, I began making preparation for it. I thank God that my rape did not result in pregnancy, but if it had I would have gone through with terminating it.

So yeah, touching story and all, but what's the point?

MS 26 would in effect make abortion illegal because it would be considered murder. It has complete disregard for a woman's situation, whether she is the victim of rape or incest, or if the pregnancy could be fatal to the mother. This proposed amendment is an attempt to legislate morality. The problem with this is that morality is an individual matter. Whether or not to expand a family is an individual matter. MS 26 would take away the individual rights of a woman when it comes to her own body.

Your beliefs on whether abortion is right or wrong should only affect your decisions. Don't let lawmakers push their selective morals onto you.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011 is Almost Here!

For the uninitiated, NaNoWriMois short for National Novel Writing Month. It has been held every November since 1999 and hosted by the Office of Letters and Lights. The goal? Writing one 50,000-word novel from scratch in a month’s time. It sounds a bit daunting, but doable. Last year, 30,000 of the 200,000 participants completed the task. This year, I plan to be one of them!

I have had several ideas for novels come and go, but one in particular has stuck with me. It's been tempting to simply write it as a short story, since that is what I am most comfortable with. However, I don't feel that I can do it justice as a short story, so here I am, ready to dive into NaNoWriMo to get this thing started! Now my thing is figuring out how to go about writing this. With short stories, I have a general idea in mind and write (and re-write) as I feel the need. It's really just a freestyle thing for me. I cannot do that with this novel. The problem is figuring out just how to plan for this. I don't want to go into this completely unprepared (after all, I want to use those 50,00 words!) so I'm looking into novel outlines and such. Writer's Digest had an article a few days ago about preparing for NaNoWriMo, in which they suggested asking yourself the following questions:
What’s going to happen in the story?
What does the character want?
What will the turning points be?

If you can nail these down, you will set yourself up in a much better position to write something meaningful and (potentially) publishable.

Sounds easy enough... But is it easier said than done? We will see in a few days!

NaNoWriMo starts November 1, so you still have 4 days to register if you want to step up to the challenge. And if you do, connect with me on Twitter! I want to start a list of NaNoWriMo writers so we can touch base, help each other out and keep one another focused and encouraged.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Downpayment Registries for Newlyweds: Would You Do It?

Forget the toasters and champagne flutes: More engaged couples are doing a different type of wedding registry that allows them to collect cash for a down payment on a home, according to a recent article in The Washington Times.

Dana Ostomel, founder of Deposit a Gift in New York City, says that about 15 percent of their registries are to raise down-payment funds for a home and another 15 percent are for home-improvement funds to pay for upgrades like a new roof or furniture.

"Given that 75 percent of today's engaged couples already live together and are older, very often they are already established with the household basics that you find on a traditional registry," Ostomel said. "What they want is the gift of big-ticket items and longer term goals, like the gift of home ownership.”

The FHA permits gifts from a wedding to be used as a down payment, but lenders are required to document that the funds are gifts. About 27 percent of first-time home buyers use gift money from relatives and friends for a down payment, according to a 2010 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers survey.

Source: “Registries Raise Cash Gifts, Avoid Etiquette No-No,” The Washington Times (Oct. 20, 2011)

In the past, it was considered in bad taste to ask for money instead of the traditional registry items like china, silverware, etc. However, in recent years it has become more common to see a note asking to forgo gifts and give cold hard cash. Considering that today's couples are getting married when they are older and more established, they likely have at least one toaster and coffee maker. Why ask for more of the same? The idea of asking for money to use towards an investment such as a house (whether it is to purchase a new home, make repairs, or accumulate rental property) is a sound decision. But could you buck the long-standing rules of etiquette and ask for money on your big day?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Missing Child: Have You Seen Jahessye Shockley?

Five-year-old Jahessye Shockley was last seen October 11 by her three older siblings at their Glendale apartment in suburban Phoenix, AZ while their mother was out running an errand.

Glendale police believe Jahessye left the home through the front door but don’t know what happened next.

They have no suspects, evidence or promising leads despite search efforts that included more than 100 officers and volunteers canvassing the area within three miles of the girl’s home. At this point, police do not have any suspects in Jahessye's disappearance. There is an $16,000 reward for information leading to Jahessye. Investigators have no concrete evidence indicating that Jahessye was kidnapped, but they are following up on every lead they get. Anyone with information is asked to call 623-930-HELP (4357).

Jahessye is African-American, approximately 3 feet 5 inches tall, 55 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. She was last seen wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, and had her hair in long ponytail.


For whatever reason (although the reason seems pretty obvious) most of the mainstream media has not given this story attention. Regardless of this child's race, socioeconomic status, family history, etc. she deserves the same effort to save her life. Please pass this word along!

Hat tip to Slaus at O Hell Nawl for the link on missing white woman syndrome.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Carol's Daughter Has a New Line: Chocolat

Y'all know I'm really not a product junkie. I have a few staple products and only experiment from time to time. However, I am excited about the launch of a new line of products from Carol's Daughter: the Chocolat Smoothing Collection. From
The 3-step collection (Smoothing shampoo, Smoothing conditioner and Smoothing Blow Dry Cream) of sulfate-free products is designed to physically rebuild hair structure from the inside out. Whether you chemically treat your hair of have natural tresses, the products will work on all hair types...

There are hints of Ylang, Iris and vanilla to help round out the sweet chocolate base.

"It's a very wonderful experience when you're blowing our your hair to have this chocolate floral thing going on. Usually you just smell hair when you blow out your hair, but with this you have a really great sensory experience in the shower and out of the shower," Price adds.

[caption id="attachment_1708" align="alignright" width="246" caption="Impossibly Smooth Curly-to-Straight Set"][/caption]

On the Carol's Daughter website, there are several Chocolat sets to choose from. The one that I'm ready to try? Impossibly Smooth Curly-to-Straight. It includes Smoothing Conditioner, Smoothing Blow Dry Cream and Macadamia Heat Styling Hairspray. Here are the claims:

Deep-conditions and tames curly hair for an Impossibly Smooth blow-out that lasts

This collection straightens out all the frizzy issues that usually come with naturally curly hair—from having parched locks to flaky product buildup. The main ingredient Cacao, found in the deeply nourishing Chocolät Smoothing Conditioner and Blow-Dry Cream, adds extra moisture to each strand to fight unruly flyaways after a blow-out. Finish and protect your new tresses with Macadamia’s lightweight styling spray for added shine and control.

Added bonus,they give instructions on how to properly use the products included for the desired results. That's great for someone like me who tends to buy things and then ask "So what do I do with this now?" (Don't judge me!)

Sounds promising! Since the weather is cooling off (OMG

it was in the upper 30s this morning y'all!) I'll be wearing my hair straight every now and then. Considering my past problems with straightening, I'm looking forward to seeing whether this will make a significant difference in the results. I've only used one other Carol's Daughter product before, the Black Vanilla Leave-In Conditioner. Since I had good experiences with that, I have high hopes for this line.

Anyone else excited to try this line? Already ordered it? Share your experiences with Carol's Daughter products.

KnQ is 500 Posts Strong!


And that's not even counting the posts sitting in draft!

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who reads this site. Whether you drop in from time to time, are an avid reader & commenter, or even if this happens to be your very first time stumbling across my page, you are appreciated! I strive to write pieces that will cause an emotional response: laughter, determination, meditation, anger if that happens to be your reaction. I want my words to stick with you, not just because they are mine, but because they are meant to make you reflect on your own thoughts and actions.

There are many things that I would like to see happen with this site, and they are happening (slowly but surely). One of those things is more interaction with readers. After all, what blogger doesn't want comments? But more than that, I want your comments and suggestions on how to make this blog one that you would visit daily. (Just keep in mind that I don't have Oprah money, so I can't give away cars and such... yet.) Another thing that I am ready to do is feature YOU! Not just guest bloggers, but artists, young business people, entertainers, and naturalistas as well. I am reaching out to some folks to get this started, but why not reach out to me? You know you've got something to share with the world! Why not start here?

Again, thank you for reading. It has been a pleasure to spill out my thoughts on this e-canvas. Here's to 500 more!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So I Kinda Spazzed Out On My Doctor

I really didn't mean to, I swear!

I had an appointment this morning and was told to fast. So I'm sitting there in the office, finally (after waiting forever and having a ton of blood drawn for labs) and the chick is asking about what I'm eating. Which is not a whole hell of a lot. Salads, mostly. And chicken; not fried, of course. Anyway, she notes that I weigh the same as I did last time so I need to cut back. Again. Hell I'm already not eating half as much as I was because everything I like has been banned. And I'm sitting there thinking "the first doctor told me he wasn't worried about the weight, just the level of sugar in my blood. Now you wanna flip the script?" But I say nothing. My numbers were down from what they were, but for some reason she still feels the need to double my dosage, which means paying double for the medicine. She mentions that my blood pressure is up, which it has never been until after the diabetes diagnosis. Even at the doctor's appointment a week before I came to her office the first time my blood pressure was normal. As much stress as I've been under about work, finances, my health, and my relationship, I can't say I'm surprised it was up. She accuses me of not telling her everything I'm eating, then decides I need a prescription for that. "Great, more money gone," I think. But I hold my tongue. Then she asks about the gym and I tell her. She suggests I get a personal trainer. I told her that wasn't an option right now. Then she goes on into this spill about this is life or death, I don't need to be lazy, a trainer can help me exercise even when I don't feel like it... Finally I couldn't hold my tongue anymore. "Are you gonna pay for my personal trainer? Because I'm scraping up the $28 a month to go, I dayum sure don't have an extra $200 a month for their trainer! I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to afford all these prescriptions. So how in the world am I going to afford a trainer?" For a minute she didn't say anything, probably surprised that I'd gone from 0 to 100 in a second. Then she says, "Okay, well I need you to try to lose five pounds in two weeks and come back to see me" and makes for the door. "If I can pay for it," was all I could reply.


Moral of the story: I need to move to Canada. Here, I can neither afford to be sick nor to get better.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jesus Loves Me... Even If I Don't Forward This Email

I'm not sure why, but I've never been a fan of those cutesy little forwarded emails. Not the ones about how we're all sisters so let's bask in our girl power. Not the generic forwarded prayers. Not the kittens in baskets (although the puppies and babies can get me a little misty-eyed, depending on the time of the month). It's not that I'm completely cold-hearted, they just seem like a waste of time to me. But the thing that irks me most is when people decide to send these forwards to my work email.


There is such a thing as email etiquette, and it is especially important at work. Certain things are simply frowned upon, and for many employers, this is one of them. So if you are a forwarding fanatic, you may want to take the following precautions:

1. Don't send every forward you receive
I promise Jesus will still love you, you still love your country, and your luck will not suddenly spiral. There is no reason to flood someone's inbox with forwards. This is especially true at work, and doubly true for coworkers with whom you don't even regularly associate. Which leads me to...

2. Make sure the receiver wants your forwards
A lot of people do like the little inspirational poems and animated squirrels dancing, but there are some like me who don't. Try not to end up in someone's spam list because you decide you want to share with the whole company. At best, folks will just delete it. At worst, you could end up being reprimanded for abusing company email (depending on the policy there). But there is an easy way to avoid that...

3. Send forwards from your personal email to the receiver's personal email
If you have a couple of people who you share non-work emails with, why not get their personal emails and send them there. That way you get to maintain professionalism on your work email account (which is most likely being monitored anyway) and still share a smile with your friends. Everybody wins!

Are you guilty of being the forwarding friend or coworker? Has it ever been a problem where you work?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Quote of the Day

Like many people, I have been following the #OccupyWallstreet and subsequent Occupy movements. While I am in support of the movement and the idea behind it, I have some conflicting thoughts about it. (More on that to come in another post. I swear.) But these protests, along with uprisings all over the world and those in Catching Fire which I am sooo into right now, give me hope. They show that many are not willing to be sheeple. They want their voices heard. They want their rights realized. They want a fair chance from those who have been elected to look out for them. Many of the people taking part in these movements have little or nothing to lose. Do you know what this means? It means the powers that be are losing their grip and their control. After all:

“You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power - he's free again.”   -Aleksander Solzhenitsyn

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sometimes, It's Just Sex For Us Girls, Too!

Every now and then, something happens that has me literally laughing out loud and shaking my head. I'll run into someone who I previously *ahem* had relations with. And when I say previously, I mean years ago. Yet, when we see each other again, they automatically assume one (or both) of two things: 1) because we messed around in the past, I must still want that, and 2) I must've wanted (and still want) something more, like an actual relationship.

I don't know why this is. I'm gonna chalk it up to male ego. But may I let you fellas in on a little secret? Sometimes, women just want sex. GASP! Amazing, right? To think, a woman could simply use a man to get her rocks off! I know, I'll give you a moment to compose yourselves.

Why am I making a big deal out of this bringing this up? Well I thought about J. Cole's song "Work Out" and a tweet that one of my sorors sent "So I'm listening to Work Out - J Cole why can't a female tell a dude alla that and not be judged." If you're unfamiliar with the song, J. Cole raps/sings
Straight up, now tell me do you really wanna love me forever
Oh, oh, oh
Or is it just a hit and run
(Well, hey)
Straight up I tell ya I just really wanna cut when we together
Oh, oh, oh
Come here girl, let's get it on

I went through the recent and not so recent songs that I could recall. Although there are plenty of songs with women singing about sex, I could not think of one in which a woman explicitly announces that she is only using a man physically. (If you think of one, feel free to let me know in the comments.) Yet there are plenty of songs out there about guys being after the pussy and nothing more. Despite the sexual revolution that we have undergone, society still shuns the woman who acknowledges her desire just for sex from a man. We have a love/hate relationship with female sexuality. A woman can enjoy sex, talk about it freely, but if she doesn't attach some type of emotional desire to her paramour she's considered a slut. Meanwhile, guys are excused because "that's just what they do."

Maybe that's why men automatically assume that there is some sort of desire burning for them in your heart. LMAO For my former "buddies," let me be clear: You served your purpose. If there were repeated hookups you obviously served them well. But if I wanted more from you, the nature of our relationship would've been totally different. You simply had the anatomical tools (no pun intended) to take care of the job. Don't expect an automatic rehire.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Breast Cancer & Diabetes

Last week I was diagnosed with diabetes. It didn't come as a surprise, as a few relatives are diabetic, and I'd been exhibiting some symptoms related to the disease. Initially the doctor said it was type II since my body is still producing some insulin. However, at yesterday's consultation the nurse expressed concern that it may be type I due to my age and the fact that the level of insulin that is naturally produced by my body is low. So they will be running labs and all that good stuff in the next few weeks. Doesn't really matter I guess; the end result is the same right?

So yeah, I have to change my diet and exercise more, all that good stuff. And that's fine. The real fear for me is the possible link between diabetes and breast cancer. For years, scientists have looked at a possible link between breast cancer and diabetes. It has been suggested that high levels of insulin may increase the risk of breast cancer. Diabetes research shows that women with diabetes have a 20% higher risk of breast cancer than women without diabetes. One study suggests that high blood sugar increases the risk of breast cancer even among pre-menopausal women. Not good news for someone with a history of breast cancer on both sides of the family.

I must note that it has been difficult for scientists to determine whether diabetes is indeed a risk factor. After all, obesity increases the risk for both diseases. And significant weight gain (more than 55 pounds since age 18, or 22 pounds after menopause) can also increase risk of breast cancer, even in women without diabetes.

Breast cancer is most effectively treated when it is detected early. The American Cancer Society recommends taking the following preventative measures to help ensure good breast health:

• Begin having annual mammograms at age 40 (but if you have a family history of breast cancer, you may need to have them done earlier, depending on your doctor's recommendation).
• Your doctor should be performing a clinical breast examination at your regular health examination or gynecological visit. For women between the ages of 20 and 39, this breast examination should be performed every three years; women 40 and older should have a clinical breast examination every year.
• Women as young as age 20 should perform monthly breast self-examinations to familiarize themselves with the normal feel of their breast tissue. This can help you identify changes or problems. It is important to report any changes to your doctor right away.

The Mayo Clinic recommends taking the following tips, which are especially important if you have a family history of breast cancer and diabetes, to help prevent diabetes:

• Lose extra weight: Diabetes is highly associated with obesity. If you carry extra weight, try to lose it as diabetes prevention hinges on weight loss.
• Skip fad diets: low-carb, low-fat and high protein diets work only for the short-term and provide no value in long-term weight maintenance.
• Eat plenty of fiber: fiber improves blood sugar control.
• Swap white bread and refined flour breads with whole grains: at least half of your daily intake of grains should come from whole grains.
• Lose the sedentary lifestyle: regular exercise not only prevents weight gain, it helps maintain healthy weight, improves your mood, encourages heart and lung health, and promotes better sleep.

Since November is Diabetes Awareness Month, I'll be posting more about it then. Til then, ladies and gents (because men can develop breast cancer too!) be sure to check yourself. If you feel anything abnormal, talk to your doctor ASAP.

Reed Between the Lines: Will You Be Watching?

This week, BET is once again delving into the original programming game with Reed Between the Lines, starring Tracee Ellis Ross and Malcolm-Jamal Warner. According to, the former stars of Girlfriends and The Cosby Show, respectively, are teaming up to tell the story of "Alex, an English professor, and Carla, a psychologist, as they navigate life’s ups and downs with wit and humor." BET recently added brand new seasons of The Game and Let's Stay Together. The latter was scoffed at and had sagging ratings from jump; the former was widely watched, but BET was accused of ruining the original storyline and characters.

[caption id="attachment_1620" align="alignleft" width="275" caption="image from"][/caption]

Even though I think BET airs straight from the Devil's taint due to its lack of quality programming and horrid award shows (even though they are a guilty pleasure of mine), I will be tuning in. Why? Well there are a number of reasons. The first is that it stars two veteran actors who have proven their worth. Both Warner and Ross have been integral parts of highly successful shows, so this is not unfamiliar territory to them. They know (or at least should know) what it takes to keep audiences engaged and entertained. (I am assuming they have some creative input on the show, but I don't know that for sure.)

Another reason I will be watching is that, from the premise, it appears to be a "smart" show. Young Black adults in professional roles? Check. A realistic (as in, not over-the-top dramatics) married couple? Check. Cute black kids to complete the family? Check! To me this looks like the story of a 2011 Cliff and Claire, and I approve!! There has been a void of such shows, as lately the most you will see black people on is reality TV fighting over men that aren't even theirs even though they claim to be "wives." Call me old-fashioned, but I'd much rather watch a show that proves Black television can be entertaining without being demeaning.

The show premiers Tuesday, October 11 at 10PM/9PM central.

What are your thoughts on Reed Between the Lines? Will you be tuning in? Do you think that this could be the start of a "rebirth" of sorts for BET?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

RIP Steve

Just a few days ago I was proclaiming my love for Apple. The first computer I learned to use was an Apple: my aunt & uncle's computer with the green pixellated screen. Today I have a MacBook for my heavy-duty work, I read on my iPad and my iPhone never leaves my side. I've even got my mom addicted to her iPad.

All of these things were a part of Steve Jobs' vision. Crazy & far-fetched as some of his ideas seemed, he brought them to reality and literally changed the world. It's amazing that he was able to do so much in such a short life. His drive, vision, talent and genius were to be admired. Although most of us did not know him personally, he will be missed, as he has touched so many lives. Below are three of my favorite quotes from Mr. Jobs.

"Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. ... Stay hungry. Stay foolish."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Not All Home Inspections Are Made Equal

by Zoe Eisenburg

A home inspection is a crucial component of making a smart home-buying decision. According to Jay Gregg, director of marketing for Pillar To Post, not all home inspections are equal. Gregg, who has experience in home inspections, sales marketing and as a previous Pillar To Post franchisee, believes Pillar To Post inspections are the most detailed in the industry.

Pillar To Post takes measures many other companies do not in order to ensure clientele understanding and satisfaction. “We prefer to have the client present [at the inspection] if possible, which is the difference between a lot of competitors who prefer not to have that distraction,” says Gregg. Pillar To Post inspectors find that having the client present allows them to answer any questions and concerns directly, while still on-site. A typical home inspection lasts around three hours, and can cover as many as 1,600 items, including windows, doors, ceilings, basements, attics, roofs and more—so clients are bound to have questions that are easily answered with the inspector still present.

While many home inspection companies offer only handwritten notes at the end of the inspection process, Pillar To Post inspectors—who are required to complete an intensive two-week training course that includes a combination of both classroom and in-field training—end every inspection by printing off a computer generated report.

“We take the time at the end of the inspection to print the report and walk the client through it,” says Gregg, “so now they are educated about the house, and if they have more questions, you can go and show them right then and there.”

This report, which features color photographs, is included in a binder for the client to keep. A filing system for bills is also included in the binder, and a copy of the printed report can be emailed to the client in PDF form. The binder contains vital information about the property, including the age of the house and roof, any major deficiencies and maintenance suggestions, as well as a cost estimate guide that shows the national average cost for any type of necessary renovation. A seasonal maintenance checklist is also included, and the inspector takes the time to show the client the main shut offs, including gas, water and electric. “The inspector will tag the shut off right then and there so that the client feels comfortable and acquainted with the property,” says Gregg.

According to Gregg, after a Pillar To Post home inspection, clients will be able to make a more informed buying decision. They will have a better feel for the property and know exactly what they are taking on, allowing them to budget for future expenses and benefit from maintenance suggestions. “The home inspections can definitely improve buyer confidence,” Gregg confirms.

At the same time, the inspections can benefit the seller. “Presale inspections are a growing trend,” says Gregg, who continues to note that more and more sellers are getting inspections so that they are aware of any issues and can price the home accordingly. Plus, the cost guide that Pillar To Post provides allows sellers to understand what maintenance issues they are facing, and enables them to decide if they would rather fix them or reduce the cost of the home.

For more information, visit

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Quote of the Day

It is October. Earlier in the year I just knew that by this time I would have gotten a raise on my job, been selling houses like mad and have my book of poetry published. I'd be looking for a house so that by Thanksgiving I was celebrating in Casa del Tori. But no. Things have not gone as planned, which can be a downer. However, I have not given up on anything. Instead, I keep the following quote in mind:

“Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal. Prepare yourself in every way you can by increasing your knowledge and adding to your experience, so that you can make the most of opportunity when it occurs.” - Mario Andretti

No matter what circumstances may have prevented you from doing or getting, don't think that it's all over. Use the additional time to prepare yourself. I am confident that success will be even sweeter for it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

iOS 5: What I'm Excited (and Disappointed) About

I hate to admit it, but I am an Apple fangirl. I got a Macbook in '09 (when they still had MacBooks with the aluminum unibody, not just the Macbook Pro), an iPhone 4 in 2010, and an iPad 2 this year. And I really want a desktop Mac even though I know it would really be a waste because I don't wanna sit at a desk all the time and hello, the laptop is for the house! Yes, Apple has its hooks in me.

So it should be no surprise that I am one of those folks who anxiously await iOS updates and the latest and greatest gadget announcement. I have been following everything I can about iOS 5 and iPhone 5 (even though I won't be able to get one... but I'm looking forward to the iPhone 6). There are some huge improvements, but also some things that are still not quite there yet. So I've laid out the things I am most excited about, as well as what has disappointed me.

Enhancements Worth Being Excited About

1. Improved Notifications
OMG I cannot tell you how annoying it is to be in the middle of a video or game and get interrupted by that big blue box about something that I usually couldn't care less about. Now notifications will show up at the top of the screen (much like Android) and won't interrupt activity. Huzzah.

2. Automatic Syncing (iCloud)
Since I am trying to be more organized, I am using the calendar functions on my iDevices more often. The problem is that I don't sync them every night because I rarely even turn on my laptop anymore unless I have real work to do. The ability to automatically sync calendars (as well as contacts and apps) is a definite plus. (Sidenote: a few weeks ago I started noticing that if I downloaded an app on my iPhone, it would show up on my iPad and vice versa. Don't recall that happening before. Perhaps Apple was testing some of its iCloud features? IDK)

3. Tabbed Browsing for iPad
This makes much more sense than having to completely go out of one window to open another one. Seems like this would have been a feature from jump, but I guess it's better late than never. Hopefully it will allow for more than nine tabs (the current Safari browser only allows nine windows; open a 10th and something gets lost).

4. Improved Picture Capability
With iOS 5, we'll be able to edit pictures and organize pictures in albums. Jeez, it's about time! My Treo could do this way back in 2006.

5. To-Do List
Again, why wasn't this standard to begin with? Finally I can keep track of what to do, shopping lists, etc. on my phone (without the assistance of crappy apps) instead of on random scraps of paper that I always seem to lose until after I need them.

I Would Un-Jailbreak My Phone If It Had These Features

1. Locking Apps
I know this would probably not happen as an app, but Apple developers are capable of creating an option to lock apps. It seems logical. After all, many people (like me) have apps related to their business or personal finance. Although I usually have my phone in hand at all times, it would be nice to have the added security of password protection on those apps should my phone fall into the wrong hands.

2. True Tethering
I know iDevices already have tethering capability, but this is still at with the additional expense of a tethering plan from providers. If there were some work around to tether without the additional charge, I would reverse my jailbreak. After all, I'm paying for an unlimited data plan, I should be able to use it how I want to! But, I know this has more to do with the carriers and not Apple itself, so this is a pipe dream.

3. Way Better Email Handling
Yes, I know better email is a feature of iOS 5, but I said way better. As it, Blackberry-level better. Yes, the one thing I miss about my Blackberry Bold is how awesome the email was. I loved that I could customize settings for each account. I cannot stand that the signature and "sent from" name is the same on all of my accounts. Considering I use one email for real estate, one for blogging, and one for personal business plus one for random coupons and debauchery, I don't want to have the same info showing up for all of them. Maybe this is something that is addressed in the update, but I haven't seen anything hinting towards it.

So that's my list. I cannot wait until the update is released (although I'll probably have to wait a few days for the untethered jailbreak version). Let's see if it's all it's cracked up to be.

Are you hype about the new iOS? What features are you looking forward to? Are you a hating Android user? If so, let me know which one you're using and why you think it's so great. I'll listen, I promise!

Product Review: Kinky-Curly Knot Today

This should have been posted last week. I wanted to show y'all a before and after video using the Knot Today, but my video editing skills are.... Well, I don't have any video editing skills. So I'll just have to go with words for now and add a video should I ever be able to get it like I want it.

Anyway, I finally made my way to Target not long ago and remembered that one of the products on my must-try list was Kinky-Curly Knot Today. Last week I decided to wash and twist my hair, so there was no better time to try it out. I washed it with my usual shampoo (Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus) then sectioned my hair off to make detangling and twisting a little easier. I applied a little of the Knot Today (maybe a nickel sized dollop? Or quarter? I don't know) to about a fourth of my hair and worked it in. Y'all wouldn't believe the look on my face when I was able to finger-comb my hair. I've always had to use the comb after washing because it tangles up like crazy, even when I deep condition and detangle with the conditioner in the hair. But this time my fingers slid through with ease. I was definitely amazed. I even had to go show my mom, who couldn't believe it either!

(This is where the video was supposed to go. Just imagine my hand being stuck basically at my roots, then magically gliding all the way down my tresses. Yeah, that's what happened.)

Knot Today is great, but not without its drawbacks. Once I got to the last two sections, my hair had dried significantly. Although the Knot Today still made it easier to detangle, I noticed that 1) it was not as easy as when the hair was dripping wet and 2) it made my hair feel a little sticky. So even though the bottle says "leave-in" I don't think I'll be able to use it in that capacity. Now that I have taken the twists down, I also realize that my hair is not as soft as it is when I use something like Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie. Don't misunderstand me, it's not super crunchy or anything, it's just not super soft.

Overall, I have to say that this product really impressed me. The complaints I have are minor, especially when compared with how much easier and quicker detangling was. Knot Today made the most dreaded part of my routine go a lot smoother, so that makes it a win in my book.

Have you tried Knot Today? Or any of the other Kinky-Curly products? What was your impression of this line? Yay or nay?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hot Links: 10.2.11

Woohoo, we've made it to another month! For the past two weeks, I've been reading, researching and studying more than writing. That includes catching up on my blogroll. There are so many good posts that I've just gotten around to, so why not share them?

There have been several posts on Clutch Magazine that caught my interest. First was the post highlighting 4 books every career woman should own. Surprisingly I only have one of the books listed, but I plan to read the others in the near future. I've been deep into the business and professional development genre lately, so this is right up my alley.
Sky Obercam reported a story of the violence that is now rampant in Mexico. I knew that things had gotten bad, but I underestimated the extent of it. The fact that schools are having to close because it is too dangerous? Unimaginable.
Friday's post, "Revenge of the Nerds", puts a lot of today's music in perspective. I'll let you read for yourself, bujt here's a snippet:
Entitlement is a MF’er. You see, it isn’t that the vengeful nerds wanted unattainable women back in the day. It’s that they felt they should have them. And now that they can, they act out... May the Black nerd continue to shake up the game, but let the next breed come with a reverence (or, at the very least, basic human respect) for Black women. Get past your bitter past and tip your hat to the brown skinned lady with the wide rimmed glasses. She’d probably like you if all the new found ‘cool’ disappeared.

On From Ashy to Classy, there is a great post titled "Not Having Sex Before Marriage is a Setup for Failure." I'm sure some will see this as an "excuse" or justification of premarital sex, but if you read it with an open mind and applied logic, it really makes a lot of sense. Waiting til marriage when folks were getting married as teens made sense. Waiting til 30+ (since marriages are happening later and later for many Americans) doesn't seem as logical. There is also another titilating post "Rethinking Relationships: Is Monogamy Natural or Cultural?" Considering that I've been having this conversation with the BF and a few others, it was pretty timely. I especially loved the breakdown of the different types of monogamy.

OneChele at Black 'n Bougie had a minor rant where she went in on all of these so-called relationship experts. And she laid it out step by step so that you too can tell women how to catch a good man, no education/experience/good sense required!

Finally, this is the funniest (in a sad-but-true kinda way) response to the diversity bake sale held by a Republican student group at UC Berkeley. "What they don't tell you about those diversity bake sales" is witty and straight to the point.