Thursday, October 20, 2011

KnQ is 500 Posts Strong!


And that's not even counting the posts sitting in draft!

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who reads this site. Whether you drop in from time to time, are an avid reader & commenter, or even if this happens to be your very first time stumbling across my page, you are appreciated! I strive to write pieces that will cause an emotional response: laughter, determination, meditation, anger if that happens to be your reaction. I want my words to stick with you, not just because they are mine, but because they are meant to make you reflect on your own thoughts and actions.

There are many things that I would like to see happen with this site, and they are happening (slowly but surely). One of those things is more interaction with readers. After all, what blogger doesn't want comments? But more than that, I want your comments and suggestions on how to make this blog one that you would visit daily. (Just keep in mind that I don't have Oprah money, so I can't give away cars and such... yet.) Another thing that I am ready to do is feature YOU! Not just guest bloggers, but artists, young business people, entertainers, and naturalistas as well. I am reaching out to some folks to get this started, but why not reach out to me? You know you've got something to share with the world! Why not start here?

Again, thank you for reading. It has been a pleasure to spill out my thoughts on this e-canvas. Here's to 500 more!

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