Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hot Links: 10.2.11

Woohoo, we've made it to another month! For the past two weeks, I've been reading, researching and studying more than writing. That includes catching up on my blogroll. There are so many good posts that I've just gotten around to, so why not share them?

There have been several posts on Clutch Magazine that caught my interest. First was the post highlighting 4 books every career woman should own. Surprisingly I only have one of the books listed, but I plan to read the others in the near future. I've been deep into the business and professional development genre lately, so this is right up my alley.
Sky Obercam reported a story of the violence that is now rampant in Mexico. I knew that things had gotten bad, but I underestimated the extent of it. The fact that schools are having to close because it is too dangerous? Unimaginable.
Friday's post, "Revenge of the Nerds", puts a lot of today's music in perspective. I'll let you read for yourself, bujt here's a snippet:
Entitlement is a MF’er. You see, it isn’t that the vengeful nerds wanted unattainable women back in the day. It’s that they felt they should have them. And now that they can, they act out... May the Black nerd continue to shake up the game, but let the next breed come with a reverence (or, at the very least, basic human respect) for Black women. Get past your bitter past and tip your hat to the brown skinned lady with the wide rimmed glasses. She’d probably like you if all the new found ‘cool’ disappeared.

On From Ashy to Classy, there is a great post titled "Not Having Sex Before Marriage is a Setup for Failure." I'm sure some will see this as an "excuse" or justification of premarital sex, but if you read it with an open mind and applied logic, it really makes a lot of sense. Waiting til marriage when folks were getting married as teens made sense. Waiting til 30+ (since marriages are happening later and later for many Americans) doesn't seem as logical. There is also another titilating post "Rethinking Relationships: Is Monogamy Natural or Cultural?" Considering that I've been having this conversation with the BF and a few others, it was pretty timely. I especially loved the breakdown of the different types of monogamy.

OneChele at Black 'n Bougie had a minor rant where she went in on all of these so-called relationship experts. And she laid it out step by step so that you too can tell women how to catch a good man, no education/experience/good sense required!

Finally, this is the funniest (in a sad-but-true kinda way) response to the diversity bake sale held by a Republican student group at UC Berkeley. "What they don't tell you about those diversity bake sales" is witty and straight to the point.

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