Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Afternoon Quickie: Never Too Late

I hope all of you had a wonderful Labor Day! It was pretty overcast here, thanks to tropical storm Lee. So I stayed indoors and worked on myself, inside and out. On the outside, I took care of my hair, face, hands and feet. Inside? Well, that's a bit more complicated. I'm reading business, writing... Basically trying to push myself towards the life I really want. My goal for today (and for life, really) is to realize that it is never too late to be who I might have been. (That's a paraphrased George Eliot quote by the way.)

Recently, I've been reading more and more about people who decided to forgo the "safe" path and follow their dreams, even when they were well into their 50s and 60s. Here I am in my mid-20s, why shouldn't I go for it? The thing now is determining what to go for and how to go after it. I'm seriously considering going back to school, this time for a Masters in Public Relations and Corporate Communications. Although some may see pursuing another Masters as overkill, I see it fitting perfectly in my grand scheme of things. For a while I beat myself up for not looking into PR while I was in undergrad (after I realized fashion design was out, I blindly chose business administration under the assumption that I would always be able to find a job with that). But I quickly realized that focusing on that bad decision would get me nowhere. Instead, I needed to find a solution for the here and now. Once I set my sights on that, things because clearer and I was able to start taking steps towards the life I want.

I'm encouraging each of you to follow your passions. Whether it is changing careers, going back to school, running a marathon or simply learning to cook a different cuisine... Whatever you want to do is within your reach. As long as you're breathing, it's not too late. So what are you waiting for? Go out and make something happen!

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