Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why I Don't Care if Natural Hair is Just a "Fad"

[caption id="attachment_1509" align="alignleft" width="200" caption=""I've BEEN in the game!""][/caption]

"This is just a fad for them; I've been natural 10/20/100 years!" For some reason, this is a comment that I see over and over again on natural hair sites and message boards. Some ladies who have been natural for a while seem to look down at those of us who have decided to go natural within the last few years. To me, it's very sad but a little laughable as well.

With the exception of those who have never had any chemicals applied to their hair, everyone had some starting point for their natural journey. So to say that because you're only x number of months in the game, you aren't "real" about it is rather absurd. But it is rather dashing to realize that there is yet another division among us. Not only do we have natural vs. relaxed and "real" naturals (4b & c) against other hair types, we can add newbie naturals vs. old heads. Why do we do this to ourselves?!

Listen, if it is a fad for someone else, that should have no bearing on what goes on with your hair. And yes, it is a fad for

some. Some ladies will cut all their hair off and rock a TWA, then perm it when it gets a little longer, then dye it some outrageous color, wear a weave for a while, and do any and everything in between. So what? It's their head, their style, their choice. Whether they are natural for a few months, a year, the rest of their lives, or even if they never go natural at all, my only concern is that people (and black women and men in particular) realize that we don't have to have silky straight locks to be beautiful. We don't have to feel that relaxing our hair is the only option to be "presentable." Our hair, in its natural state can be elegant, professional, funky, casual and healthy. As long as that message gets through, it doesn't matter if others think it's a fad, trend, or lifestyle change.

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