Friday, September 23, 2011

Morning Quickie: Where Does the Time Go?

For disappearing acts, it's hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work.  ~Doug Larson

Even though I don't sleep the recommended eight hours of sleep and do my best to multitask, I never seem to have enough time. There is always another chapter to be read, report to be done, event to attend. More work to be done, miles to be walked on the treadmill and hair to be washed... Usually I end up falling asleep reading, writing, or tweeting.
So I'm trying to figure out how to make more time to do what I need to do. My main focus is time for writing, so that's where I'm starting. (If I try to do it all at once I know I'm gonna be completely overwhelmed.) My goal is to carve out one hour a day during the week and two hours on Sunday during which I unplug from everything and everyone. No phone, no Twitter, *gasp* no tv. Just me, my pen and notepad. Maybe my iPad if I can discipline myself not to get online. Once this becomes a regular habit, I'll move on to carving out time for other important things. I'll also try to use my calendars/organizers more. I put things on the calendar (computer, iPhone and iPad) but rarely check them. What good does that do? Lemme tell ya, it does absolutely no good. But imma do better, I promise!

Do you have 24-hours a day, or does it seem like someone shorted you a few hours? What do you do or use to manage your time wisely?


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