Friday, September 23, 2011

Going Green? Consider the GreenSwitch

These days, it's all about the green. For some people, saving green means saving money; for others, it means protecting the environment. Now there is an opportunity for savvy home owners to do both. GreenSwitch is an energy saving mechanism that puts you in control of your energy usage. From their site:

We all know our homes quietly drain electricity that we pay for but don’t actually get to use. There are those lights in the basement that we always forget to turn off, or thermostats that are heating or cooling unused spaces, or doing so at the wrong time of the day. And there is “phantom power”– electricity flowing to electronics that are in stand-by or “off” mode. GreenSwitch offers a simple and affordable way to control household energy that saves you time and money!

One convenient slide of the GreenSwitch puts you in custom control of your electricity usage. With GreenSwitch, you designate which outlets and lights are affected and you set the personal settings for your programmable climate control. Single-control outlets let you customize each outlet, allowing you, for example, to turn off the TV in one plug while keeping the digital video recorder in the other socket of the same outlet on and recording.

I chuckled when I read this, because I thought about my dad always fussing about us not unplugging the microwave when we were done. He was concerned about that phantom power usage! And if you are curious about how much "phantom power" is used by common household and office appliances, there is an interactive section on the site to show you. You may be surprised!

Since every home's energy needs and usage are different, GreenSwitch's site does not list prices. However, the site does have a Savings & Payback Calculator to show potential savings. The company also offers a free Home Analysis, in which you answer a few questions about your home and a representative will contact you to discuss (you may also call them).

Whether you are buying, selling, or content in the home you are in, I would encourage everyone to look into GreenSwitch. And if you're not ready to make that investment just yet, there are still ways to save energy and money. Just check out this Energy Savers Booklet (PDF) from the US Department of Energy.

Disclaimer: Tori Whitley is not affiliated with GreenSwitch and did not receive compensation to endorse this company.

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