Thursday, September 15, 2011

Greek Week Quickie: Christian and Greek--It's Possible!

Okay, so I keep seeing these groups and websites and reading blogs, etc from former Greeks who have renounced their various orgs in the name of religion. I'm not hating on that. If they feel they have to separate themselves in order to live holy, so be it. But why must they blame the organization and imply that it's impossible to love God and be a member of a BGLO. That is just stupid. I know numerous preachers, evangelists, teachers, etc. that are Greek-affiliated. I've seen real-life examples of those who are Greek but are exemplary Christians. So why do some feel the need to tear these orgs down? It's one thing to admit that they were not strong enough to live right while in an environment where it is easy to do wrong. But that does not mean that BGLOs are evil! It's upsetting to me because what they say diminishes the good things that Greeks do, and is misleading for those that do not have that much exposure to Greek life. And I'm in no way saying that I'm a perfect Christian--I'm far from it. But even I know that this whole notion of having to give up one for the other is preposterous. I love God, I love Zeta. It is possible!


*oldie FB note from Dec. 2006*

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