Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What does it mean to be authentic? (Quote of the Day)

Lately I've been thinking about whether or not I am being authentic to myself. Not just in the aspect of what I do vs. what I want to do career-wise. I mean my true thoughts, feelings, wishes, desires vs. those that others see, whether they be true or not. Honestly, I know that the "me" I allow others to know is not the real me, but is that a  bad thing? Do people really need to know anything beyond my representative? I know some relationships would suffer irreparable damage if they knew me as a complete person. Some of those wouldn't matter, but some--like with most of my family--I want to preserve. Am I being fair to them (or to myself) by not giving them the full story?

Being authentic is the ability to be true to oneself. Living an authentic life requires the ability to be true to our own wants, needs and desires and not live our lives by the opinion of others. Being authentic is the ability to make self-honoring choices and stand firmly in who we are in our core. Being true to ourselves gives us the insight and compassion to see others for who they are, not who we expect them to be. It frees us up from the judgment of ourselves and others and it gives others the freedom to be themselves as well. ~ Victoria J. Reynolds

I'm waiting for that kind of freedom, but I don't know if I could take it if it presented itself.

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