Monday, August 29, 2011

Quote of the Day: "Tips for the Trip"

Usually on fourth Sundays, I kinda zone out during the sermon. The preacher is one that I would rather not hear (we have different preachers every Sunday of the month). But yesterday was a little different, probably because the sermon related to what I'm currently dealing with. He talked about the Israelites leaving Egypt & how God didn't take them the shortest way so they could avoid danger. (Somehow in all my years of churchgoing I've never heard that, but anyway...) The preacher gave four points, or "Tips for the Trip" as the sermon was titled, but the first two are what really stuck out to me.
1. The shortest way is not always the surest way 

2. It's not the speed of the pace, it's the success of the race

I could've broken down crying at both of these. At times--a lot more recently--it seems like everyone is ahead of me. I look around and everyone is moving, buying houses, getting married, working in the career they want. Meanwhile, I seem stuck in a rut and hearing the same old cliché, "Your time is coming." It's been tempting to just jump out there and try to make something happen on my own, especially with the house issue. But I can't look at what others are doing and think I need to be doing the same (or better) because I don't know what they are facing or what they did to get where they are.

We all have a reason for being where we are now, and a season to come into all that we are meant to be, do, and have. It's a struggle to be patient, but important not to move in such a hurry that we are blind to the pitfalls. Remember the tips for the trip and listen to that little voice inside of you. It won't lead you wrong.

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