Monday, August 15, 2011

The Benefits of Joining Professional Societies

Whether you are still in college, recently graduated & looking for employment, or have already embarked on your career, you can benefit from joining a professional society. Professional societies are usually non-profit organizations seeking to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that profession, and/or the public interest.

To some, membership in these organizations may seem unnecessary. After all, it is an additional expense (although usually the expense is minimal); plus, who has time to attend meetings and conferences? You're busy enough already, right?


If you are looking to advance in your chosen career, professional societies are a great way to achieve that goal. Here are five major benefits of joining professional societies:

1. Educational Opportunities
Whether you want to learn a new skill to make yourself more marketable or just want to update your knowledge about your field, many associations offer these opportunities through seminars, annual conferences, and webinars. There is typically a wide range of topics that are covered, so you have the option to pick and choose the training classes that are right for you.

2. Exclusive Publications
Part of membership for the majority of professional associations is access to their exclusive publications at little or no cost. This may be a printed journal, magazine, exclusive content found only in a members-only section of a website or emailed newsletters. These publications include valuable, up-to-date info on your specific interests that may not be as readily available to the general public.

3. Leadership Possibilities
Whether the association you join is a national, state or local group, there is a need for leadership. Taking a leadership role in an organization--whether it be board member, president, secretary, etc.--allows you to sharpen skills that may be used both in your career and possibly your personal life.

[caption id="attachment_1441" align="alignleft" width="226" caption="According to Harvey Coleman, author of Empowering Yourself, success comes in the form of PIE. Are you surprised by the percentages assigned to each attribute? This should let you know how important and powerful networking truly is!"][/caption]

4. Networking
So now that you've gotten the great education, kept up to date with the goings-on in your field and stepped into a leadership role, what's your next step? Networking! Get your name and face out there to let others know what you're doing and what you're capable of. Professional associations are a great way to do this. They give you a chance to connect with possible mentors, people with connections to get you to the company/position you really want, and/or folks to patronize your side hustle.

5. Enhanced Résumé
Involvement in professional organizations looks great to potential employers. It shows interest in and dedication to your chosen field, and it implies that you are knowledgeable about what is going on with your industry (due to those educational opportunities and handy publications that you presumably took advantage of). If you're up against another candidate with comparable qualifications, this could be the little push you need to sway a hiring manager.

If you're interested in joining a professional association but aren't sure where to start, there are several resources online to help you out. Here are just a few of them:

Weddles Association List
Wikipedia list of International Professional Associations
eBlack Studies list of Academic and Professional Organizations


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