- I wash and deep condition my hair once every 1-2 weeks, usually closer to the 2 week side. Many people wash weekly, some co-wash a couple of times a week. When my hair was shorter that worked for me, but now I find that I can't just do a quick wash & go and get the same results.
- Often I'll wait to detangle the next day, just because I usually don't feel like doing all that after washing. (Hey, I told y'all I'm lazy!) After washing, most of the time I'll do some crude chunky twists or put it in a puff. Once I feel like detangling, I use a little oil to help get the job done/
- At night, if I'm feeling good, I'll do about 12-16 chunky twists and top it off with the satin bonnet. If not, I just plop the bonnet on my loose hair and deal with it in the morning. Que sera, sera... Usually the steam from the shower will loosen and fluff it up so it's not an issue.
- Occasionally, I'll add something like the Shea Moisture smoothie to soften my tresses, or hit it with a little water/coconut oil mix (add a little glycerin if it's humid).
That's it! Now of course I'm not saying that what works for me will work for you. Every head of hair is different. But I am definitely saying that you don't need to be intimidated by time-consuming processes. Your hair can be as low (or high) maintenance as you want it to be.
[caption id="attachment_1374" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="my small arsenal of go-to products: SM shampoo & smoothie (center), Optimum 3-in-1 creme oil (rear left), water/coconut oil mix (rear left), conditioners for DC (packets) & my handy wide-tooth comb"]
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