Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Education and Salvation

We are having revival at my church this week, and something was said last night that made me lose focus on the entire message. The preacher said, "We've gotten too smart. I believe that when we were ignorant we were more saved." He then went on to say that when people couldn't read the word for themselves and had to listen to the preacher, they were more "on fire" for God, but nowadays "the preacher can't tell us nothing."

Ummm... WHAT?!

That is by far one of the dumbest things I've heard coming from anyone in the pulpit. It absolutely burned me up hearing that mess. So many things wrong with that statement... Where to begin?

First I'll take it from a biblical perspective. I guess we're just supposed to ignore the scripture about "Study to show yourself approved to God...rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Tim 2:15) And the one about “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” (Prov 4:7) Forget the verse about "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6) And Paul's statement that "I would not have you to be ignorant" (1 Thes 4:13) was a typo, I suppose.

Yeah... there is plenty of evidence in the Bible that we are to be knowledgeable about the Word. And to avoid sounding preachy (eww, never my intent) just look at it from a logical perspective. Wouldn't you need to know and understand the Bible if you're going to try to live by it? And what would even be the point of having a written document that is supposedly inspired by God Himself, saying that it's fundamental to your faith, but expecting people to not be able to read it and seek understanding for themselves? That begs the question, what would one gain from having ignorant followers? Plenty of preachers have been exploiting ignorant congregation members (whether they are willfully ignorant and won't read for themselves or simply can't) in various ways over the centuries: monetarily, sexually, emotionally, mentally. A lack of knowledge plus zeal to do right and "live saved" is a dangerous combination in the wrong hands.

Bottom line is this: Your level of education or comprehension does not affect your relationship with God. Period, point-blank. Anyone who purports this is a charlatan. People--especially black people--should be encouraged to seek God and education (or, as my old-school pastor says, "while you get your learnin' don't forget your burnin'"). Statements like the one made last night are damaging. After all, education is one way to reduce the risk of so many ills that we end up praying for deliverance from. People must be able to arm themselves against the enemy--even the one standing behind the pulpit.


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