Friday, August 12, 2011

Time to Get Serious About Losing Weight (Again)

Back in June, while unpacking boxes, I decided to step on the scale for the first time in forever. The number that greeted me... Well let's just say it was not the number I expected. (Y'all know I'm not gonna tell you how much I weigh, so why are you looking for a number?) I didn't feel like I'd gained any weight, but there it was in black and white. I was distraught, y'all! I mean, yeah I'd slacked off on the gym some, and I was eating out more (I blame that on the boo) but I thought I was at least maintaining where I was. Not so. It was hard to come to grips with the fact that I was packing on the pounds.

[caption id="attachment_1417" align="alignleft" width="262" caption="She looks like she's smiling. I was not."][/caption]

The first attempt was Weight Watchers Points Plus plan. Hey, I wanted to yell "I CAAAAN! I CAAAN!" too! But I couldn't. My problem was that they wanted me to track everything I ate every day, as well as do a weekly weigh-in. If you've followed this blog for any amount of time you know that consistency really isn't my thing, unfortunately. And since a lot of the dishes I eat are nowhere in their database (because they are recipes that different family members concocted) it was a pain to try to enter every ingredient and guess the portion, nutrition facts, etc. But there were some benefits to it as well. It caused me to look at how much I was eating and reduce my intake (something that has continued even though I slacked off on the food tracker). And the website has some great tips, inspirational stories, and recipes. My initial three-month period is up some time this month; we'll see if I decide to keep it.

Another thing is that I've started going back to the gym. Courthouse fitness is literally across the street from work, plus there are several other locations in my usual areas. I have no excuse not to go work out. One of my coworkers even goes with me occasionally, so I'm not just stuck there by myself. That's one reason I stopped going to the other gym (that and the fact that they cancelled my favorite dance/workout class). My only wish is that the location closest to me had Zumba. I freakin love Zumba! I'm so tempted to order the DVDs so I can do it at home.

Honestly, the reason I'm trying to rid myself of extra weight isn't just for the sake of appearance. I've never had a problem being a big girl, and when people would say anything about food killing you I'd respond, "Well I'll die fat and happy." But lately there have been issues which may or may not (but highly likely are) due to being too fat. And I'm not happy with that. So I have to make some real changes now. Hopefully they'll last. My goal is to lose 40 lbs by this time next year and 80 in two years.

I think my work is already starting to pay off. Momma noted that my clothes seem to be fitting a little looser. Unfortunately, it's my pants that have gotten slack... in the butt. Bad business! But maybe now I can justify getting some Booty Pop panties!! ^_^

Anyway, here are my five not-as-important-as-my-health-but-still-darn-important reasons/motivations for losing the weight:

1. Fighting the Zeta stereotype of being "fat, black and ugly." I love my dark skin, and I've never been ugly (we can take this back to baby pix if you wanna!), so those are fine. But fat? Yeah, they got me there.

2. My 10-year high school reunion is coming up soon. I'd love to prance around half-naked while singing "Can't Touch This!" to the former crushes get in shape for that.

3. I wanna be picked up without fear that everyone involved will end up sprawled out on the ground with a broken back.

4. The end of thigh rub. Can I wear a cute dress without having to rub down my thighs with Vaseline? (Big girls, if you haven't tried that little trick, do it. Game. Changer.)

5. Cute, cheap clothes. Sometimes I see little tops in Charlotte Rouse and other "little chick" places in the mall on my way to Lane Bryant. It would be nice to pop in there and get a little something for a little of nothing.

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