Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Call for Greek Week Submissions

Next month (September 12-16 to be exactly) I will be having Greek Week here on KinxnQuirx. I have several things that I'd like to talk about, but more importantly, I'd like to hear from some others. Fellow Greeks (and non-Greeks as well) I know you have something you'd like to get off of your chest concerning Greek life, whether it be misconceptions about what we do, why you chose your particular org, or a call to action to do more. If you have something you would like to share, send it to submissions@kinxnquirx.com. What you submit is completely up to you, and you will certainly get credit for your post. (Speaking of getting credit, be sure to include a brief bio with your submission, including a link to your own site/blog if you have one.) The deadline for submissions is September 7, 2011. By September 9 I will let you know whether your piece will be featured on KnQ. I look forward to seeing what you have to share!

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