Monday, June 20, 2011

Tweet Week (Cont): To Follow or Not To Follow? That is the Question!

Yeah sooo, Tweet Week was last week huh? Well since I didn't get around to posting every day due to the move, I'm playing catch up this week. Who gone check me boo?! (Yes, I'm still using that.) 

[caption id="attachment_1197" align="alignright" width="300" caption=""YOU followin me? Hmmm, aight...""][/caption]

Although my Twitter gets somewhat personal at times, I leave it unlocked. (For the non-tweeters, a locked profile means you have to approve someone before they can follow you.) Mainly this is so that I can join in various discussions and have my tweets seen by others who are discussing the same even if they are not following. This doesn't really create any problems and I don't particularly mind anyone following me. However, there are three groups that make me a little uneasy when it comes to my Twitter.

Family members, coworkers, and church folks.

Why these three in particular? Well, Twitter is my little space to rant, rave and let my hair down. My Facebook page is pretty reserved by comparison, and even there I don't let coworkers add me as a friend. Twitter was my spot where I can say what I need to say and let the "real" Tori shine through, so to speak. Honestly, I don't know if many folks that "know" me could handle the real me. It's one thing to be exposed to one side of a person, but to see all of the many facets of a person (or at least the ones they choose to reveal) is a whole 'nother monster.

The last thing I need is someone trying to shame/censor my random thoughts. It's just not going to happen! There a select few friends from church and family members that I'm happy to follow and have following me. A couple of others, however, get the side-eye from me...

What about you? Are there certain people you'd rather not follow you? And do you have your page locked for that specific reason?
Since my page isn't locked, you should go ahead and follow me!

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