Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tweet Week: The Worse Tweeps You'll Meet

I love Twitter. It's a huge meeting place for new people and ideas. Whether you're looking for information, a laugh, or the next big thing, you can probably find it there in 140 characters or less. That being said, you may also find folks that you really wish you hadn't. These are the groups that grind my gears:

TeamFollowBack Every time I get a follow from someone with that #teamfollowback crap I get annoyed. Why? Because 98% of the time their timeline is full of "@_____ follow me! #teamfollowback" Why should I follow anyone who has absolutely nothing of value to share?

The "no you didn't unfollow me!" tweeters True story: I started following a soror because she was often RT'd onto my timeline & the tweets would be funny or thought-provoking. After I followed I realized that those tweets were few and far between. After finally getting tired of reading the same old Greek jokes stereotypes she got unfollowed along with several others that I didn't really interact with. Although we hadn't tweeted each other since the initial "thanks for the follow," it wasn't two minutes before I got "called out." Then her friends jumped in on it. I sat at my desk like "Really? It's that serious huh?" I've also seen people cussed out and threatened because they no longer wanted to hear about what someone had for breakfast. Please don't be that person! If someone unfollows you, they just weren't feeling what you had to say. No biggie. No one is obligated to anyone else on Twitter.

The pushy promoter These are the ones that have never @'d you a day in their lives, but out of nowhere they hit you with the "hey @kinxnquirx, check out/vote for/download my new hit! RT! my.song/garbage" like y'all have been pals forever. And it's not just the song promoters; club/party promoters, salespeople, pyramid scheme pushers, etc. I was tempted to lump these folks in as general spam, but I won't and here's why: often times (from what I've seen) these folks get belligerent when you choose not to RT or ask why they hit you up out of the blue asking for favors without so much as a hello. Who are you boo?!

The mute mystery followers Usually I can tell why someone follows me. Something in their bio lets me know that we have mutual interests, or I see that we interact with the same people. I love that! But sometimes there are randoms that I just don't understand. We don't run in the same e-circles, nothing in their timeline indicates that they are into the things I tweet about, and they don't respond to the "Thanks for the follow!" tweet or DM. I don't trust these people. I want to ask "Who sent you to spy on me?!" but I figure that would be a little melodramatic. Instead I just ignore (and occasionally block) them .

The He-Man Woman Haters & The "Men Ain't Sh*t" Coalition These people get a quick block from me. I don't participate in man bashing, so why would I want to see it on my timeline? Unfortunately I used to see it quite often. I'd follow someone (usually a guy... sorry but it's true!) and soon find that they had more animosity built up towards the opposite sex than a lil bit! It's disturbing, especially when I think about the fact that many of these folks have kids. How can you constantly bash all women but try to tell your daughter that she's a princess? How do you say "F*ck these niggas" and expect your son to grow up to love and respect you? I can't see it working. But I've learned that instead of arguing with these people about their views and opinions, it is better for my peace of mind to unfollow. Why even let that kind of negativity in?

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