Thursday, June 2, 2011

Write the Vision

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain on tables, that he may run that reads it. - Habakkuk 2:2 (AKJV)

When I heard of vision boards, initially I was skeptical as all get out. My first semester of grad school I took Entrepreneurship as an elective. My professor, Dr. Calhoun, had us to create one before we even started discussing business plans. Not taking it very seriously, I just put something together, using "visions" of things I thought would be good to say. It was a little strange to me; he almost made it seem like there was some kind of magic in the board. O_o But the more I think and read about positive energy and how your thoughts shape your reality, the clearer the importance of the vision board becomes. Because I haven't done a vision board since the one I threw together over two years ago, I decided to take to the web and create one. I feel like it's pretty self-explanatory so I won't go into detail about it; just wanted to share it.

If you want to make your own online vision board, there are plenty of sites where you can do so. I happened to make mine on

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