Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Morning Quickie: My weight doesn't impair my confidence

Just heard on a Jenny Craig commercial: "As your weight decreases, your confidence increases... Thank you [Jenny] for making me pretty again."

*eyeroll* Lady sit yo slow superficial self down!

Let me say this: I understand an commend folks who want to lose weight, whether it be for health or just because they want a slimmer figure. Shoot, I'm trying to drop a few pounds myself!

But this whole fat girl shaming is ridiculous. News flash: Even with some extra pounds you CAN be confident and you CAN be beautiful. And, being small doesn't automatically make you either. My biggest issue is that there's this implied assertion that weight and appearance should dictate how you feel about yourself. If your self-confidence is tied to the numbers on the scale, THAT IS A PROBLEM! You should know that your worth is base on your character, your intellect, who you are as a person. Not your looks. I'm not foolish enough to believe that it doesn't have any bearing on how you feel, but come on...

Y'all tell me: Am I being overly sensitive about this? Do you get the same message from certain commercials, magazines, shows, etc.?


  1. i completely feel what you're saying. i wrote about it in this post: http://msjanelle.blogspot.com/2011/05/journey-to-....

    at my current weight, i dress cute. i'm confident. i'm happy. but my body feels sluggish, so i'm working on showing much i love myself by treating my body better. my life won't magically get better with losing weight, but my body will physically feel better.

    but the message is out there that skinny = happiness. it's not real. if you don't fix the problems that lead to the weight gain, you're just a skinny, miserable person. it's really that simple. ::shrugs::

  2. it's not real. if you don't fix the problems that lead to the weight gain, you're just a skinny, miserable person.

    THIS. All of this.


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