Friday, August 3, 2012

Late Night Randomness

Sooo it's almost midnight on a Friday night, and here I am, "talking" to y'all. I'm still trying to wind down from 13 hours of work. Even though I'm exhausted, I'm wide awake! The inevitable crash is coming though, so imma make this quick.

I told y'all about the new job right? Not like I finally got my dream job or anything like that; it's just a little part time gig to supplement my salary so I can get an apartment. And that IS happening. This month. As in, if I'd had time to go get a money order for my deposit it would have been paid today. My anxiety level is absolutely through the roof. I know my folks will flip out when they find out I already got the place; I'm not sure if I can control my reaction.

That's the reason I've finally decided to get help. I've talked about feeling like I needed to talk to a therapist, but I hadn't. Mainly out of fear. But this whole ordeal with moving out and realizing just how stressed it had me (I've never had anxiety attacks before this, not to mention the headaches and insomnia) made me realize that something is really wrong. Thank God for the EAP (employee assistance program)! Not having to pay for therapy (if it doesn't have to be extensive) is one burden I don't have to worry about.

Will Smith will never not be fine. (Sorry, Independence Day is on.)

My hair needs some serious TLC. Sometimes I seriously consider going back to the perm. But now I feel I have to keep it natural for a few more years, just out of defiance.

Am I the only one who doesn't gibbadamb about the Olympics? It seems that way. I haven't kept up with any of the events, but I am  happy for Gabby Douglas. I love it when young black women do the darn thing!

Okay, sleep is descending on me, time to wrap this up. Next week, new posts.... I think.

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