Thursday, August 23, 2012

Randomness for Your Thursday Afternoon

1.       I’ve decided that I want to wean myself off of the diabetes medication and kill the need to go to the doctor about it. Really this is more out of a financial need than health concern. My insurance has $1000 deductible. Take into account that I’m scheduled for around 3 appointments a year (just for the diabetes) at just under $200 a pop, plus whatever costly extra lab work that “has to be done” at my annual checkup, I come in just under that amount at the end of the year. Soooo basically my insurance pays nothing, save for the cost of the actual wellness checkup. I don’t have that kind of money to spend. Not to mention the money for the medication and testing supplies. (And why the heck would anyone need a prescription for testing strips and lancets? And why are they more expensive than the meds? Ugh!) So for the next few months I will be stretching my meds (I’ve been doing that anyway when broke) and paying more attention to diet and exercise. If others can control it without meds, I can too!
2.       The move is on! The date has been rescheduled three times, but I will finally be moving into my own place this Saturday. The only rooms that are pretty much taken care of are the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. I have absolutely nothing for the living room. And apparently my taste is expensive (who knew?) so everything I really like is more than I want to/can spend. Idk what’s gonna happen with that.
3.       I’m excited about the move, but it is not without worries. My biggest fear is the fact that I will have to fight the evil alien insects all by myself. The second biggest fear is that I won’t have enough money to make it work. Yeah I’ve worked the budget out from all angles, but shoot, I’m still scared! And yes, bugs trump bills for me. I can’t help it!
4.       I’m still wavering on what to do with the hair. I was supposed to be loc’d up by now! But I didn’t do it and now I’m missing my long silky tresses… and my short short curly tresses too.
5.       I can’t wait to find a better paying job or get a raise on my day job. I thought working two jobs wouldn’t be so bad. I was wrong. I’m always tired, kinda cranky (more so than usual), and barely have time to eat, much less have a social life. And I dread to think about Christmas season in that store—which, I recently learned, starts right before Halloween. Yeah, think about that.
6.       Am I a failure business-wise? These days, I sorta feel like it. I haven’t been promoting my jewelry or making anything new. Between not having much time and not having any money for the new equipment I need to create what I want, it just hasn’t been happening. I’m not sure what to do. This would be business number three that crashed and burned if I give up on it. Not really a stellar track record, huh? Even though I never intended for it to become a main source of income, I did want it to be successful. It feels like I keep investing all this time (well I did when I had time) and money into things that get me nowhere.

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