Thursday, August 9, 2012

Things My Future Husband Should Know: I Should Be a Priority

Hopefully this letter reaches you before you actually become Mr. Tori D. (lol) because if this isn’t already present then there’s no way that would happen. So consider this a reminder.  
I know we have our own, individual lives. I love that! You do your thing, whether it be sports, tech stuff, video games, whatever; I do my thing—crafts, reading, traveling. We are able to maintain separate interests so that we don’t smother each other and it is beautiful. However (you knew that was coming, right?) I feel a way about being at the bottom of the totem pole.

What do I mean? In short, I mean that I should be a priority. I don’t expect to be priority #1 all the time. There’s (hopefully) your relationship with God, and if you already have kids I definitely expect you to put their needs ahead of mine (within reason. Does that sound bad? IDK). But I can’t be that wife that is just there to cook and clean for you. I don’t want you to be up under me 24/7, but I refuse to take the position of waiting after you’re done with 50-11 other random interests to see if you have any time or energy to pay me any attention. If you only want to talk to me when you’re bored with everything else, or when you have an issue and want to vent, or when you're stuck in the car and can't stand silence, then we’re nothing more than associates who happen to be roommates.
Simply put, I want to know that I’m as important to you as you are to me. That’s not a whole lot to ask for, in my humblest of opinions. Just like I will put forth every effort to show that you are appreciated and a big, beautiful part of my life, I hope expect you to do the same.

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