Friday, July 22, 2011

Morning Quickie: Is Bad Sex a Deal Breaker?

Picture it: You have a great partner, maybe even "The One." The spark is strong between the two of you. You've seen each other through difficult times, which ended up strengthening your bond. You genuinely enjoy each others company and emotional needs are met. Everything seems great, except for one thing. When it comes to physical intimacy, something's lacking. Either it's too infrequent, doesn't last long enough to satiate you, beyond your comfort zone, or possibly they just don't get you there. Is that enough to walk away from an otherwise beautiful relationship?

We often hear that certain things (like sex) are "little" in the grand scheme of a relationship. But in all honestly, those little things add up to make the person we love--or don't. And one person's "little thing" is a major issue for another. Sexual compatibility and fulfillment are major in an adult relationship. Along with that is the importance of knowing how to communicate our needs and desires, as well as any concerns. There may be any number of things that could be affecting a couple's sex life: health issues, stress, not being clear on what the other person wants (again, this is why communication is so important). And most of these issues can be fixed.

But what if it's none of those things; is that enough to make you call things off or can you work with that as long as everything else is good? Or let's flip it. Maybe the sex is good but they aren't at a financial level that you are comfortable with. Or possibly they have all of the traits you are looking for, but you can't stand their friends! What is your deal breaker in a relationship?

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