As soon as I got home, I tested it on a small section of hair. It did okay, nothing special. I didn't want to go further since my hair was super dry; I decided the time to test it would be when the hair was wet. Fast forward a few days when I decided to wash & twist my hair. After I washed my hair & let it dry just a bit (I hate working with sopping wet hair) I sectioned off my hair and tried to go to work. One problem: I couldn't get a sizable section through the TT. With too much hair, the comb just seemed to glide over the hair instead of actually getting in there and detangling. I had to keep making smaller and smaller sections until I finally had just a tiny bit of hair between my fingers. My hair is too thick and my head is too big to deal with all those little sections, so I said forget it.
Overall, the Tangle Teezer is an OK product to me, but not the miracle that it was made out to be. It doesn't seem to be made with the super thick haired gals in mind. I'll give it a few more tries before I write it off, but for the time being my old faithful wide-tooth comb has it beat.
(Sidenote: I've been seeing some updates with people saying that after using the TT for a while, they've noticed breakage, damaged ends, etc. Have any of you experienced this?)
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