Friday, July 8, 2011

Hot Links-7.8.11

We start with something truly outrageous. Michelle Bachman, along with other Republicans, has signed a pledge that states Black children were better off during slavery. No, I didn't mistype that. They said that BLACK CHILDREN WERE BETTER OFF DURING SLAVERY. Yeah, because that whole forced labor, selling people off like cattle, separating homes, beating for no dayum reason, raped by Massa with no recourse gig Blacks had back then was ideal. Cheryl Contee over on Jack & Jill Politics discusses.

Then something a little sobering--at least for me. Jozen Cummings (Until I Get Married) shares his thoughts as he approaches 30 and is facing something that I am thinking about as well: Switching Careers. I'm glad he did; he put my own thoughts and feelings about the subject into a much more coherent post than what I have sitting in draft right now! His discussion of talent vs. skill really hit me.

Fortunately the other links are not as heavy:

Clutch Magazine featured two interesting articles. Bisexuality vs. Sexual Fluidity covers a topic that I have had great fun debating with others, and Morning Motivation: This Far again spoke to where I currently am and the situation I'm dealing with.

Nothing is New on The Good Atheist discusses the discovery of what is believed to be a gay or transsexual caveman. Y'all don't even know how bad I wish History Channel, Discovery Channel, LOGO, someone would make a special about this! My curiosity is piqued.

Finally, over at Awesomely Luvvie, we're treated with The Bible, as Told in 2053. Or Through Blogs. I really don't even know what to tell you about this; you just have to read it for yourself. As I tweeted earlier, #slain, and #resurrected. Miss Luvvie is a certifiable fool!


So, ladies and gents, that's what's going on in my reader. What hot links have you come across this week?

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