Thursday, July 19, 2012

What Is Your Passion?

Is there just one? More than one? Do you have any?
*stream of consciousness here folks. sorry if i ramble*
While reading and researching for a class I thought I’d be teaching on Finding Your Purpose in Life & Work, I found a Venn diagram saying that purpose is a combination of your talents, values and passion. I could easily identify my talents and values. I’m a skilled writer, a pretty good public speaker (even though I hate it), I tend to look at situations & problems differently in order to come up with a creative solution. I value individuality & authenticity, self-development & improvement, knowledge, creativity, peace of mind.
But what am I passionate about?
Recently this question was posed to me and I didn’t have an answer. Sure, I've had things that I was passionate about at the moment, but that waned… so was it really passion or just a strong interest? I’ve been passionate about writing but I don’t know if I’d say I still am. I still love it and want to do it; I think the reality of how rarely writers “make it” have dampened it somewhat. And the jewelry-making… am I passionate about it? I enjoy it, definitely. I don’t look forward to the business side. I want to continue and possibly take it to the next level, but I’ll be okay if it remains a hobby that brings in a little money on the side. That’s why I don’t consider that a passion. I really, really, REALLY want to try coaching/consulting to help people be happier, more productive, and at peace. But will that be fleeting like everything else?
Maybe my passions simply evolve over time. Nothing says that passion has to last forever, right? After all, when I’m into something, I do have that “strong affection or enthusiasm” for it. But then it fades and I’m left to pursue something else.
Is it possible to live without any passion at all? Surely it is, but wow, that has to be a sad existence.

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