Friday, July 13, 2012

Morning Quickie: That Sinking Feeling

You know, the dread before the big blow. It’s coming, there’s no denying it. You try to hype yourself up, buttress yourself against the inevitable. Give yourself reasons why this is actually a good thing. Paint pretty scenarios in your mind about how things can be better once this storm passes over. And none of it is a lie. You know this too will pass and eventually you will be able to look back on it as a lesson learned. You will be able to see how things just aren’t right at the present time and you will be glad that a change came, whether it was voluntarily or not.
But along with that hope and optimism comes the sinking feeling. It may be a faint, underlying emotion. It may feel as if it is going to overtake you at any moment. There will probably be times when you’ll flip flop between the two. Maybe it’s there because you are afraid of losing your comfort zone. Maybe it’s because you feel like you’re giving up, even if you’ve done all you can do.
Maybe there’s no avoiding it. Doesn’t feel like there is. Don’t fight it, but don’t let it pull you under. In time you’ll know for sure that this is for the best.


  1. Hi, I got a message from you but I can't view it on my page for some reason???

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