Monday, May 14, 2012

My Pre-Birthday Introspection

Y’all know the drill. (Or maybe you don’t? I don’t know how long you’ve been reading this blog.) My birthday is around the corner and I’ve gotten all introspective. I’m on my “What am I doing? Where is my life going? What does it all mean?” flow. Hours short of 27 *ahem* 25 and I still don’t have concrete answers.
Fortunately, I at least know what’s important to me. At the center of it all, I crave Balance and Peace of Mind. Yes, they are totally different, but in my mind they coexist. Peace of mind comes through being balanced, and balance is more easily achieved once you are at peace. So what aspects of my life need balance? All of them, honestly, but some more than others.
I want to find the balance between opening up to other people and not leaving myself totally vulnerable.
I want the balance of keeping my head on straight but taking leaps of faith.
I want to do something I love and something that’s profitable.
I want to be independent but be even closer to the people who love and support me.
Maybe the problem is that I want it all. But more than anything, I want peace. So I guess the mission for this year is to figure out how to get it, then go after it.

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