Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dating Games: Three Questions I Hate

That “getting to know you” stage with a new guy is always awkward for me. On one hand, it’s exciting because it’s so new and fresh. Who doesn’t love getting to know someone and discovering your commonalities, interests, and (hopefully) chemistry. But on the other hand, it can feel like an interrogation at times. That’s especially true at the very beginning, when y’all are still feeling each other out. And while I don’t mind answering most questions, these three common question are as irritating as nails on a chalkboard to me.

1. Why are you single?
Why is this said as if there must be some kind of defect that has kept other men at bay? For some reason, the fact that I just haven’t met anyone that held my interest doesn’t fly. And of course if I said something outlandish like “well after that last *&^%$# cheated on me I gave up, but I’m giving it another chance now!” I’d probably be looked at as a psycho. (That isn’t my reason, BTW.)
2. Are you a romantic person?I assume my answer is no, because I really don’t know what makes one romantic. That’s bad huh? But it’s the truth! Am I a romantic because I believe that there’s someone for everyone or because mushy stuff (sometimes) get to me? Or is it based on something that I do? I dunno, this question is just too vague for me. Makes my head hurt.
3. How many people have you been with?
It’s certainly important to have the sex talk, especially if it looks like that’s where things are headed. But the importance attached to the number of partners is misplaced, in my opinion. The number of partners doesn’t indicate whether a person is disease-free (you can be safe with 20 clean partners and you can catch hell from one ill-conceived romp with the wrong one). It doesn’t necessarily prove whether one is a prude or a freak. It definitely won’t let you know if that person has any skills in that department. Basically it’s used to determine if someone is a ho, which varies according to people’s standards and opinions. I’d much rather ask questions like “Do you practice safe sex and have you been tested? Are you currently (as in within the last month) involved with someone sexually? What do you like to do in the bedroom?” These tell me much more than some random number
that’s probably not accurate anyway
So those are the three questions that I can’t stand. What questions from a new/potential boo grinds your gears?

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