Wednesday, May 9, 2012

31 Day Reset: Do One Thing

As I’m sure you’ve figured out by now, I am once again doing Rosetta Thurman’s 31 Day Reset. The first time I got sidetracked and ended up so far behind that I said “forget this” and scrapped the whole thing. This time I’m doing a little better; I haven’t kept up with it daily like I’m supposed to, but I haven’t let it go either. That’s progress, right? Right.
So here is today’s challenge:

Today, you will do one thing to move yourself closer to your ideal life… Today’s exercise is not related to your everyday to-do list. You are being asked to complete one task that is personally significant to you and your ideal life… Your one thing should meet at least one of the following criteria:
  • Something you’ve been procrastinating on for a long time
  • Something that terrifies you
  • Something that inspires you

The one thing I decided I will do today is get a firm understanding of where my new business is financially by getting my balance sheet in order. Right now I have all my receipts and records of sales, but they aren’t organized and recorded as they should be. This is something that I have procrastinated on because it scares me.

*cue the scary music* dun dun duuuuuuun

To think about how much money I’ve already invested in it is nerve-wracking because 1) I haven’t exactly hit that income point where I have money left over after paying bills and 2) knowing that I am operating in the red–and probably will be for at least the first year or two–is discouraging. But I know this is something that is absolutely mandatory if I am ever to have a successful business. Sure, once I get going and get some real income I can hire someone to take care of the accounting and bookkeeping. But for now it’s me, myself, and I (and my mom). So I need to be on top of all aspects of my business. Even the ones that I hate.

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