Thursday, January 22, 2009

Days Three & Four

Bleh... There's nothing more to say.

Okay, I guess there is some more to say. I am working on portion control, and it is definitely taking some getting used to. I'm eating a fraction of what I'm accustomed to and it seems like I'm never actually full. Limited fried food (I had to get some chicken-minis from chick-fil-a this morning tho), limited carbs, no sweets so far. But I did run out of grapefruit juice LOL I guess poor planning... Anyway, I still have some fruit and although I hate dealing with grapefruit, I'll do what I gotta do.

Still no exercise yet. I'm slacking. My thing is, I don't have the time/money for a gym. My room is cramped due to oversized furniture LOL so I don't have room for much (although I guess I could do crunches, squats & donkey kicks in this little space). And I don't want to do anything in the living room because my folks stay in that room until they go to bed, and by then I'm too lazy to do anything. I could walk around the Capitol on my lunch break, but I hate getting all sweaty and then coming back in to sit down in an office. After that, I'm gonna want to take a shower and a nap, in that order. But I know that some sacrifices have to be made, and I need to make them soon.

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