Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day Five, Six, and Seven

Day Five & Six: I was out of grapefruit juice, so I was kinda just like eff it and ate like I wanted to. I know I'm a bad girl, but dang it, I needed that chick-fil-a! I said I was gonna get a salad (and momma's looked so so good) but of course I ended up with the sandwich (fried), with fries and a coke. Bad girl. But that night I tried to make up for it with some baked tilapia. Dunno how much it helped, but hey.... Saturday I ate a burger from Logans. More fries. But at least my buger was grilled, and surprisingly it didn't have bacon. So yay me. That evening I just had a plain turkey sandwich. Not too bad, right? Those two days I was kinda like whatever with the whole diet cuz although the others that are in this with me are reporting progress, I have nothing to say. At least I haven't gained anything, but the scale hasn't budged from 261 and my clothes are still fitting the same so.... wtf?! I was kinda depressed and didn't want to even think about the fact that I shouldn't have been eating that stuff.

Day Seven (today): Cereal for breakfast. Today's dinner didn't go as planned. Went to a program and was served baked chicken, some kinda potatoes, string beans and a roll. It was all pretty bland so I didn't eat it. But they also had this pecan pie... Now, pecan pie is one of my weaknesses, and my pecan pie is seriously off the chain. But THIS pecan pie?! *faint* Sooo good. I ate a piece & a half. Then went to Sal & Mookie's & had two & a half slices of pizza & three drinks. Very very bad girl!! Tomorrow I'll get back on track. And tonight, I drink the BIG glass of grapefruit juice.

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