Monday, January 26, 2009

Day Eight & The Health Coach Caller

Day Eight: Drank the juice. It's really starting to mess with my stomach. No bueno. So I guess I gotta only drink it when I'm gonna be at home... Dunno. Anyway, ate more fried food today. And starches. I suck at this diet thing, but right now my cravings are like off the wall.

Apparently everyone is having success with this crap but me. Mondays are my weigh in days, and the scale has not changed at all. At least I haven't gained, but maintaining is not the name of the game right now.

Today I got a call from my "personal health coach." :-/ In order to get the covered wellness visit from my insurance, i gotta do a health assessment type thing. Did that, and then today I get a call from some guy advising that he was calling to help motivate me to get healthy! I was not as enthused as he was. But I told him that I do plan on losing weight and hopefully by this time next year I'll be down to 195. (Really I don't care about the pounds, but it would be awesome if I could get down to a size 12)

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