Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Q&A with God

My mind was wandering one day, as it often tends to do, and I imagined what it would be like to get to sit down with God, ask a couple of questions & get an answer. Not just a "read the Bible, it's in there" kinda answer, but an "I see His lips moving & hear the words so I know it's real" type answer. Off the top of my head, these were the questions that I came up with.

[caption id="attachment_2142" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="IDK where I got this or who said it, but I like it"][/caption]

1. There are over 800,000 species of insect that we know of. Were you just really bored that day & decided to see how many weird creepy crawly things you could make?

2. Why does the "good" stuff not taste as good as the "bad" stuff? Why didn't you make veggies taste like ice cream?

3. Unicorns: fact or fiction?

4. What was your take on the whole permed vs natural thing? We made much ado about nothing, didn't we?

5. Did you make me fat because you knew I'd be half-naked all the time if I was skinny?

6. Those times when I tripped but didn't see anything, did you put something in the way? Did you laugh?

7. Why didn't my sex drive come with an on/off switch?

8. How many times did I miss out on something that should've been mine because I was too scared to make a move?

9. Thank you for letting me dodge the bullets I managed to dodge. I won't even ask about how many there were. I'm just thankful.

10. What is my life's purpose? Was it/is it being fulfilled?

So if you could have a tête-à-tête with God, what would you ask?

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