Friday, January 6, 2012

In Another Blogger's Words...

2011 ended on a high for me, but that high was a set up. This first week of 2012 has been way way low. Ten miles til empty low. Journey to the Center of the Earth low. Barry White's voice low (but without all the implied sexiness). I may or may not have been a weepy, almost catatonic mess for the past two days. I may or may not have written several emo poems, letters and short stories. And I may or may not have called and texted even when I promised myself that I wouldn't because "I don't chase dick, I don't care who it is!" (A statement that I have proudly proclaimed many times before.)

Anyway, as I'm going through my blogroll that was neglected during those five reality-free days, I came across a post on This Single Life. I haven't been following the blog for long, but always enjoy the posts. This particular post, "My Muchness Pt. II" started with a quote from a 2010 post. She states:
You made yourself think this is someone special because you liked them, but liking them doesn’t make them special, it doesn’t make them good at dating, it doesn’t make you good at dating and simply liking someone doesn’t promise that it’s going to work out.

Well damn, lady, just tell my whole story why dontcha. And actually she did. When I went back to read "My Muchness" I was kinda surprised at some of the parallels between what she was dealing with then and what I'm feeling now. So I won't even try to verbalize what is going on in my head right now. The words of another blogger can speak for me this time.

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