Monday, November 14, 2011

My 7 Link Challenge

Last week I received a challenge from Q (of Thank, Q! and the Talk2Q radio show) to share seven posts that you may have missed. With all of these gems I write, how could I possibly narrow it down to just seven?! Okay, okay, let me stop acting brand new.

I decided to reach all the way back to 2010, when I was still hosting two blogs on Blogger. I've imported the posts from The Eclectic and The Good Hair Diaries to KnQ, but since there are so many I'm sure some have gotten "lost." So here are a few that I want to highlight.

Faking It
No, it's not about that. It's about choosing authenticity, not being a knock-off.

The Talk--America's Doing It Wrong
Yes, this is about that. I was surprised to see the effect of attitudes towards sex in America versus European countries.

#Thingsblackgirlsdo and Other Self-Deprecating Bullsh*t
Basically it's just what the title says...

Could You Be a Sisterwife?
Based on a series of conversations with friends.

A Natural Newbie's How-To Guide
A few tips to help those who are going natural avoid mistakes.

Tori D.'s Guide to Interviews & Job Fairs
Written after having one too many WTF? moments at job fairs around the state.

I figured I'd throw a little poetry in there.


Hmmm, now who do I want to pass this challenge along to? There are a lot of great bloggers that I follow, so it's hard to choose! But I'd love to see posts that I may have missed from the following:

3_DOLLS of D.O.L.L.S.

KurlyBella of K is for Kinky

LidiaAnain of

If they decide to share their 7 posts, I will be linking back to it here so that none of you miss it!

Big thanks to Q for including me in the challenge. This little trip down memory lane has been fun!


  1. I can't wait to check out some of your legendary favorites!

  2. Awesome, thanks for taking part in this challenge that I sent to Q. I will be reading!

  3. No problem, thank you for sharing it!


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