Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Faking It

Sunday I came across an article about the most counterfeited items of the year as well as this picture of "red bottoms." (And yes, I mean "red bottoms" not Louboutins. True Louboutins don't have to be painted red post-production! Hmph!) Couple that with seeing an obvious Coach knock-off at church and I began pondering something that has come across my mind before. Why do people bother buying knock-offs? Of course the simple answer is that they either can't afford or don't want to pay for the real thing... but who are they fooling? Are they trying to convince others that they have something that they really don't, or are they only fooling themselves? I have a few "designer" bags; not many though, and they are on the lower end of what would be considered "designer." Meanwhile, I have a ton of purses, totes, clutches, etc. that, while not high-end, are super cute. They weren't created or purchased in an attempt to make someone believe they were something that they aren't. They are just cute purses that get as many compliments as the designer bags. And as much as I want a pair of Louboutins, I could never bring myself to buy some "red bottoms" in hopes of passing them off as the real thing. Now I do have some shoes that are similar to my favorite Louboutins, sans the red sole. IMO, there's no reason to fake it. Sure, some may attribute prestige, money, and status from these designer labels... But the assumption about those that bother with fakes is the total opposite. Besides, those that know the truth can spot an imposter without even trying.

[caption id="attachment_1797" align="alignright" width="294" caption="Who ARE you?"][/caption]

But what else do we fake? Staying in an unhealthy relationship just to make others think we can keep a mate. Perping (for those unfamiliar with Black Greek life, this means pretending to be a member of an organization when in reality you are not). Pretending that your ish is together because you have a degree(s). Going into debt for bigger and better cars, clothes, homes, etc. just so people will see you keeping up with the Joneses. Creating an online persona that in no way resembles who we are offline. So often we put on about different aspects of our lives in an attempt to appear as if we've arrived in some way. Maybe it's a subconscious fear that who and what we truly are will not be enough in the eyes of others. However, if we could accept ourselves in complete authenticity--not to the point of apathy and failure to make improvements--we would find, more often than not, that others would accept us too.


  1. [...] Faking It No, it’s not about that. It’s about choosing authenticity, not being a knock-off. [...]

  2. You bring up a great point. I love knock off handbags, but then I have a bag fetish anyway. I never really thought why I bought, but for me it's about design, look and feel. I think people just get caught up in what's hot and leave the "basics behind". Who knows, but I don't really give it much thought unless I see someone trying to "be" something they aren't. That's when I wonder, why they are being so fake. Does that make sense?

    In regards to other things in life, like "our" hair after watching "Good Hair" with Chris Rock. Try watching that with 2 woman not black. The questions they had was hillarious, but they were honest about it. They just DON"T KNOW. Sorry but don't ask a black woman how she does her hair. I can't deal with the thousands of questions. LMAO! Great post!


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