Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"On Atheists"

For about a week or so I've had a post drafted on this subject, trying to get together exactly what I wanted to say. Then today I'm looking through my blogroll & find that Z over at Purple Lace Gloves has already said everything I wanted to say (and in a much nicer, clearer, and more succinct way). Since I have nothing to add to what she has stated, give it a read:
Sometimes, they piss me off.

I've come across too many incidences of atheists trying to make it out like believers are fugging idiots. That you must be unbelievably stupid to believe in a God you can't see, when there's evil in the world, et cetera. Let's point fingers and poke fun at these backwards fools who have faith in their lives.

That pisses me off. See, to me, it's not a war of whose beliefs are right or wrong.

You're atheist? Fine. I'm not, but I don't feel the need to try and belittle you because of what you do or don't believe in. I don't mock you for your views. I'm not even trying to preach to you or convert you, because frankly speaking, your faith or lack of it is not my concern.

I don't attack you. Why do you feel the need to mock what I believe in?

I understand that there are plenty of Christians who do express how they feel about atheists strongly and in less than kind ways, but then again, there are plenty of Christians who I wish would find another label and just quit associating themselves with Christ.

Also, reacting against hate and ignorance with hate and ignorance just makes you...well....hateful and ignorant. And for every Christian who despises an atheist, I can guarantee you that there's another Christian (like me) who isn't bothered by what you believe in and doesn't get the fuss. When you attack all Christians because you think they're all up in arms about your atheism, well, that's pretty ignorant of you. We come in all shapes and sizes and identities. That's a post for another day- how Christians are viewed in this country.

In the same vein, I know there are atheists who don't give a fugg that I'm Christian and don't feel the need to react unpleasantly to my faith. Thanks be.

Anyway, all I'm saying is, I don't see why each group would feel so threatened by the other. I believe in God- what does that have to do with you? You don't believe in God- what does that have to do with me?

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