Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Interview with a Transitioner

It's been a long time coming, I know, but my promised interviews have begun! I could think of no better person to start with than my twin-cousin, Shari. She started her journey to naturalista status a few months before I decided to give it another go and has provided support and encouragement for me along the way! She is truly a Pretty Girl, inside and out, as you will see from the pix and the interview!





Name: Shari M. Briggs

Age: 24

Location: Tallahassee, FL

Occupation: graduate student


How long have you been transitioning/natural?

I have been transitioning for over 11 months


BC or no? If yes, was it planned for a certain length/date, or a spur of the moment type deal? If no, what styles do you use while transitioning?

I haven’t BC’d yet, but I will in a couple of weeks on my 25th birthday! I planned to transition from birthday to birthday and then BC. While transitioning, I have used several styles. In the early stages, I just flat-ironed my natural hair to blend with the relaxed hair. After that got tedious, I started trying out styles that more closely resembled all-natural hair: flat twists, straw sets, twist-outs, etc. Recently, I’ve resorted to sew-ins and braids because the 2 textures are “interesting” to deal with.

After her last touch up.


What made you decide to go natural?

There were a couple factors in my decision. 1) My college friends played a STRONG role in me moving off the fence. Everyone in my circle of friends, with one exception, has natural hair. Seeing them embrace their natural beauty inspired me to embrace mine. 2) Relaxers were ravaging my scalp beyond belief! I had horrible dandruff as well as a spot at the back of my head that would have large chemical burns, no matter what relaxer I used or how long it stayed on. It had gotten to a point where I just expected to have bad burns…

What has been the biggest challenge for you? Have you found anything to make the transition a bit easier?

My biggest challenge has been getting used to the fact that I can’t do the same things with my natural hair that I’ve done in the past with relaxed hair. I was highly upset a couple of months ago when I tried to wrap my hair! BIG mistake! I’ve had to let go of a lot of my tried-and-true hair products and hair styles. Getting to know what my hair likes and dislikes has been an interesting step in this process.


Have friends and family been supportive? Have you faced any criticism for your decision?

My college friends have been the BEST! Each of them has helped me at some point on this journey, whether it was helping me pick out products to try or helping me pick out the right weave! My mother and father have been hilarious! My mom questions me because she remembers how thick my natural hair was as a little girl, but she has straightened my hair when I was home. I’ve nearly convinced her to go natural! My dad just jokes about who I’m going to be the next time he sees me because I change hairstyles so much now. LOL!


Her friend and hair inspiration, who is now one of MY inspirations!


Are there any particular products that you’ve become fond of or that worked well for your hair?

I’m actually still searching for something that will TRULY keep my hair straight in humidity; that has been tough. Other than that, my styles have not required much product other than setting lotion. I will definitely do more experimentation once I BC; then I will have more freedom in my style selection.

Some individuals in the natural hair community see permed hair as a sign of self-hatred or accepting a Euro-centric standard of beauty. What are your views on relaxed hair?

Since I’m edging on the age of 25 and have had a relaxer since I was around 5, I really don’t see it as self-hatred and have no ill will towards relaxers or the women with them. Some people perm their hair because they don’t know how to truly deal with their natural texture; I’ve had to learn this along the way myself and I’m still learning. Also, women that are busy tend towards perms because they are definitely less time-consuming, from what I’ve experience thus far; I’ve considered slapping the creamy crack back in just to save myself some time. Yes, permed hair does give us more European features, but our hair so much more versatile than theirs will ever be! With that, I say, to each her own!

What tips or advice would you give others who are considering going natural?

Make sure you are confident in the journey that you are about to embark on! Some people will love and embrace you; others will think you’re crazy. But in the end, it’s about loving yourself for who you are and not for whom others want you to be. Fight the good fight and resist the creamy crack!! LOL! Also, if you get discouraged, look up natural hair blogs and websites. They have saved me several times! Seeing other women’s hair journey has inspired me and gave me something to look forward to when I BC. I’m so excited! Lastly, surround yourself with supporters. Real friends won’t disown you because you change your hair…

Any additional comments concerning your experience?


About a week ago (wet & dry).


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