Thursday, October 8, 2009


The creamy crack is calling me y'all!

It's only been 11 weeks since my last touch up. I thought I could at least make it to the four or five month mark before I started feeling like going back. There are two main things that are making me reconsider going natural. One is that the more I read the more I realize how much work and effort goes into the maintenance of natural hair. Call me ignorant, but I really did think that going natural would be easier. Then when I first started looking into it I was like "Okay, maybe a lil more to it than I thought, but I think I can handle it." Now I'm thinking "Maaaaaaan, I dunno!" With the perm I just wrap or roll my hair at night (or put it in a ponytail if I'm being lazy), take it down in the morning and go. 90% of the time it was flawless... The other 10% it stayed in a ponytail. My effort? On a scale of 1 to 10, I was maybe putting in 2.5. From what I'm reading and hearing from others, I'm definitely gonna have to change all of that. Time, energy, focus... I love my hair but I've never been one to spend forever doing it. So it's getting a little side-eye from me. The other thing is the growth. My hair was on a growing spree when I was getting a touch-up every 6-8 weeks. Now maybe it's all in my head, but I feel like my hair has just stopped. I'm sitting here like "Will I ever feel hair on my shoulders again?!" lol

On the other hand, I do have my reasons for sticking it out. One is that I want to prove my father and my ex wrong: my reasons for wanting to go natural had NOTHING to do with him. So if I go back to perming now that the relationship is over, it makes it look like they were right even though they were both dead wrong. I can't have that. Also, I love the versatility that comes with natural hair. If I just wanted to straighten my hair, I could still do that, but I could also rock a fro (which I've wanted since high school) or do an amazing twist-out like some of the pictures I've seen, or whatever! Options. I love that.

So for now I am holding out. Or trying to.


  1. The Virgin Queen: YoOctober 9, 2009 at 11:55 AM

    I recently heard my mother say some negative things about my decision to go natural. She said that I will not have anything to do with my hair, that I'll always have to have it braided and that I will not maintain it. She considers my hair a "frizzy hot mess". Since day one I never wanted a perm but I grew to like it b/c it showed length whereas natural hair doesn't hang like perm hair. So she really annoyed me. Two hair stylist told me in my transitional stage to make sure I get a trim and treatments. So that's what I plan to do. I know I have to do lots to my hair but that's why I plan to go to a natural hair stylist just like in the past when I went to the beautician that did my perms...get it? The creamy crack hasn't allured me back yet and I doubt it will, I want big hair =), so I suggest you finding a natural hair salon.-Yon

  2. Thanks for the suggestion Von! I am still searching for a natural stylist in the area. Down here they are few and far between, but I am hopeful that I will be able to find one that I am comfortable with soon!


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