Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Long Distance Relationships Suck.

Trust me. I'm a (pseudo) expert, having been in one for nearly two years. Wow, has it been that long already? Definitely entering record-setting territory...

Anyway, here's what prompted this sentiment again today: My dad was going to the doctor this morning, so Momma decided to play hooky from work as well. Around 9:30 I get a call from them talking about "We just wanted to let you know that we're out eating breakfast. Ha ha ha." Yeah, hardy-freakin-har, callin me while I'm starving and stuck at work. Real funny... It made me think about the Fridays that I'm off. I spend those days at the beauty shop & running errands for Big Momma. I would love to do the movies or stay home and cook for someone or just go for a scenic drive... And yeah, I'm well aware that I could do all of these things by myself, but that's not what I want! Occasionally I get tired of doing things solo, tired of being with family all the time, even tired of being with my sorors/girlfriends/friends from church. There is a space that only he fills. Mind out of the gutter, pervs. lol But instead of getting the necessary attention and "boo-luvin" on the regular, its done in 3- or 4-day spurts, spread out over months at a time, almost haphazardly. After all, those 1000 or so miles aren't ideal for a road trip every other week, IMO...

So I'd be lying if I said I didn't think LDRs suck. They do. Like Superhead in a black hole. *rimshot*

As much as I love him, I am frustrated, lonely, tired... And on top of that, I feel guilty for being frustrated, lonely & tired.

But all is not lost! I think I have a solution. I'm off to draw up applications for a platonic boo-friend (to go on non-date dates and such) and stock up on batteries...

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