Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Morning Quickie: I Define My Own Values

Yes, a change is definitely coming...
“Good girls don’t do that…”
“The Bible says…”
“Well we always…”
“You were taught…”
Lately I’ve been trying to take inventory of what matters to me, what I truly believe and value. It’s been a little surprising to realize that over the years–especially the last two or three–my personal values don’t totally line up with those I was raised with. Shocking, I’m sure (unless you’re someone who really knows me). No, I haven’t totally abandoned all of the ideals that my parents, teachers and pastor tried to instill in me. Nor do I think that they are necessarily bad or wrong. But somewhere along the way I grew up and realized that what was/seemed best for them may not be the same for me. After all, society is different from what it was when they were growing up. Plus (and this is the biggie), I’m an individual. My own person. A rational, thinking human being with the ability to decide what works and what doesn’t work for me.
It would be easy to mindlessly follow what I’ve been taught without question. After all, I could’ve avoided many of the unnecessary conflicts that have come up by just wordlessly agreeing with what was being spoon fed to me. But where is the authenticity in that? The self-discovery? The opportunity for growth? No, my differing opinions and beliefs may result in some not-so-smooth sailing, but coming into my own (as late as I may be) is well worth it.

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