Thursday, April 12, 2012

Morning Quickie: An Arrest is not Justice

On yesterday, it was announced that charges were being brought against George Zimmerman for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The charge would be second degree murder, and Zimmerman turned himself in. He may be out on bond as early as today.
His parents have said that they are pleased that an arrest was finally made, and that was the justice that they asked for. However, I can’t say that I completely agree with that sentiment. True, this is a step in the right direction, but an arrest in and of itself is not justice. (After all, how many people who have committed crimes have been arrested and nothing else?) Justice, IMO, would be the conviction of this murderer. Justice would be a thorough investigation of the Sanford Police Department and proper disciplinary action if it is found that there was foul play involved in letting him go free (which I believe there was). It would be taking a second look at the Stand Your Ground laws  to better define “self-defense” so that it can no longer be used to muddy the water when a killer is called to the carpet. Justice would be an honest look at the cold hard facts about how profiling and discrimination affects so many in this country and putting measures in place to discourage and prosecute these acts.
Will all of that happen? Some of it might. Some of it probably won’t. But I am happy that there is finally a step in the right direction in this case.

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