Thursday, March 1, 2012

Randomness: Because I Know Y'all Miss It

  • I haven't been writing much because my muse has said "forget this!" and hasn't given me anything to work with. The words just aren't there, and I'm not going to bore y'all with word vomit. I'm one of those folks who writes when I have something to say, not just because I have to say something. That and an increased work load are the major reason for the scarcity of posts.

  • Since I am not posting as much, the blog may be making a move. Again. It will still be, but it may be moving to Or Blogger. Yes, again. When I moved to, I had dreams of using my blog as a vehicle to launch my writing career. The more I analyze what I want to do, I realize that writing isn't ultimately what I want to do career-wise. It is still a passion that I want to pursue, but not necessarily professionally. With that being said, there is no point in me spending precious dollars for hosting a site that I'm using strictly for personal reasons when it could be done for free. After all, I'm broke! I'm trying to cutback spending everywhere I can (I'm considering getting a GoPhone or a Trak (?) phone from Wal-Mart... seriously) and this is one of those possible cutbacks. Moral of the story as far as y'all are concerned, the look may change a bit but I will try to keep things as similar as possible.

  • Although my muse refuses to have anything to do with verbal artistry, she is going HAM in the visual department. I wake up and go to sleep with ideas for jewelry. Not sure how much of it I'll get to implement, but I'm excited about the prospect. And business is doing pretty good too. Not like I'm bringing in hundreds of dollars a month (yet) but people are buying. A lot of my time now is going into designing/making jewelry as well as reading more about how to parlay this into a legitimate, profitable side hustle.

  • I did a length check a few weeks ago and still haven't posted the pix. Tried the Carol's Daughter Chocolat too. I need to use it again to remember everything I was gonna say! So slack. I gotta do better. But I will get it posted... eventually. My interest in discussing natural hair has kinda worn off too. I think it's because I'm past the newbie stage and back to "whatever, it's just hair." Just hair that I really just want to cut off so I don't have to be bothered with it. *shrug*

  • I need y'all to pray that I go on Wheel of Fortune and win at least $100K. Or that Publishers Clearing House knocks on my door with a big ol' check. Or that someone finally realizes my brilliance and hires me for a job with a six-figure salary. Whichever scenario strikes your fancy.

  • We have a new guy starting today. From his name, I assume he's black. So that'll make.... 4 black guys & 50-11 white guys from Ole Miss. Woohoo, diversity.

  • All February I had an IDGAF attitude. January was depression, plain and simple. I wonder what March will be? Whatever it is, I hope it involves cocktails. I haven't had a great martini in forever.

  • I also need y'all to pray that my NYE trip didn't leave me with an unexpected and unwanted souvenir. Aunt Dot is playing bald-headed games with me and I don't appreciate it. Yes this was probably TMI but hey, you've read it now; don't dwell on it.

  • At this point I'm just rambling, which I hate to do. Totally contradictory to my first point. So I'm stopping now.

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