Wednesday, May 25, 2011

While I was gone...

Osama was killed. Not long after finally producing his birth certificate to shut the yapping mouths of Donald Trump and other birthers, President Obama called a super secret, late night press conference--which just happened to interrupt The Apprentice--to say that Osama bin Laden was killed. Some rejoiced, some scolded those who rejoiced, some worried about the backlash. Members of the

Psychology Today called yo momma ugly. Mine too. Then they punked out and removed the article after the wave of outrage. (Fortunately the Internet never forgets.) Well PT's momma is so fat.... Oh wait, this isn't a round of The Dozens? Well then I'll just say that this is a bunch of BS. I find it rather interesting that Black women are supposedly less attractive than all of the other races, yet you have people tanning and injecting their lips and butts with collagen to look like us. But we know what this is really about, don't we? The number of clicks! Want to get your name out there, post something controversial. And since black women are the world's "whipping boy" lately, just go in on them! That's a sure way to get your name retweeted several thousand times. After all, there's no such thing as bad publicity now is there? It is a shame that PT would resort to publishing junk science for clicks, though.

Oprah taped her last show. I'm still a little salty because I didn't get tickets to any of the season 25 shows. They must've known I was just in it for the giveaways. Honestly, I've never been a huge Oprah fan, though her story is amazing to me. I found a new level of respect for her after watching her episode of Master Class. Still would've loved to have been in the audience when she paid everyone's student loans. I needed that! Oh well...

The world ended... or at least, people claimed it would. I guess if you are reading this, they were wrong. Actually, the predictions were more along the lines of the rapture taking place on May 21. I didn't believe it because I happen to believe the scripture that says "No man knows the date or the hour." Sooo yeah. Plus, if I were to believe any prophesy about the end of the world, it would be the 2012 predictions. Too many of those to just ignore. (And while I don't necessarily believe it will be the end of the world, I do hold to the belief that Dec 21, 2012 could spell catastrophe for the earth. In what way, I'm not sure.)

Mother Nature started going off and hasn't stopped yet. Just in the U.S. alone, we've seen a record number of tornadoes, droughts, and flooding. It's still snowing in some places, and it's reached 97 degrees in others. To a lot of people this is a sign, but of what? An approaching doomsday caused by man's hand (global warming)? A sort of rebirth for the planet? The return of Christ as prophesied in Revelations? Shoot, you tell me... I won't sit here and pretend to know, but I do know that it is cause for concerned and a reason to pray if you're the praying type.

Since I've kinda been in my own little world the past couple of weeks, let me know what else has been going on!

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