Monday, May 23, 2011

Another Hair Horror Story

Since I've been completely natural, I've been handling most of my hair care myself. Although it's been challenging at times, it is rewarding. However, I've missed the feeling of laying back and letting someone else pamper me. The last time I stepped foot into a salon was last September to get my ends trimmed, but a few weeks ago I decided it was time to make a return visit.

I went to Ulta Salon and had the same stylist who trimmed my hair before. Let me pause and say that she was recommended to me by another natural whose hair always looks great, so I felt like I was in good hands. I told her "I want to dye my hair a rich dark chocolate color, slightly darker than [other natural's name]'s hair." She said fine. I see her mixing up the color and it is gorgeous in the bottle, just what I'd envisioned. She puts it on, we're talking and laughing with other stylists and customers. She casually asks, "Do you mind if I straighten your hair?" For a split second I almost said no. After all, that's not what I came for. I just wanted a color and trim. But I figured what the heck.

Long story short:

My hair is the same darn color that it was before I went.

The blowout was frizzy by the second day and didn't last a full week.

When I washed my hair I noticed a few pieces of hair didn't have the same curl that it used to. So I deep conditioned. Several times. Yet I still have about six pieces of straight, heat damaged hair that stick out like sore thumbs.
STRIKE @!#$%^&*( THREE!!!


[caption id="attachment_1009" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="the look on my face only begins to show my pisstivity"][/caption]

I blame myself for letting this happen. I should've been more watchful while she did it. Probably should've asked questions about her straightening methods. Definitely should have listened to my first mind that said don't do it. Then I wouldn't be faced with the dilemma of camouflaging my damaged tresses. Interestingly, the ends of the straight pieces remain curled, even though the texture of the strands has completely changed from root to tip. Also interesting is the fact that they are all on one side of my head, mostly in that weird extra rough patch of hair. My guess is that when that section wouldn't succumb to the heat she turned it up. I also have two sections right up front that are dangling lifelessly.

From everything I've read, there is no coming back from heat damage, but I can't just chop off those pieces and have a little bald spot right at my hairline! Truly, Big Sexy has seen better days. For now she is being kept in a puff. Once there is some more growth I'll have to re-evaluate the situation and decide what to do then.

Oh, to add insult to injury? That was the most I'd ever paid to get my hair done. $110.

Have you ever had to deal with heat damage or some other hair horror at the hands of a professional stylist? How did you handle it?


  1. WHAT!?!?!?! 110 dollars? I don't know why it was so darn much? A wash and blow dry is normally around 45-50 then add another 30 for color. I'm feeling like she owns you some money.

  2. ::gives you a hug::

    i have absolutely no words at all. @takara is right. it should've been about $80, but regardless of the price, the service wasn't good. i get my hair done professionally monthly. i've had color done and my hair silkened during my entire transition and twice a year while natural and have never had that type of damage. it's almost as of she didn't know what she was doing.

    i have had a stylist mess up my hair before, but it wasn't anytime recently. the last time it happened, i didn't say anything to her while in her chair but never went back.

    have you tried twisting it yet? it may not be any different when it's in a protective style. (i had some damage from my highlights that was barely noticeable when twisted.)

  3. $110?!?!?! Geez.... That right there is why I started doing my own hair once I set foot in Tallahassee LOL! I haven't had that problem because I still haven't been to a salon (LOL), but I've heard people say that protein treatments restore their curls when extreme heat has been applied. I hope something works for you!!

  4. Ulta charges $50 for color & $40 for a wash & style/cut. With taxes & mandatory tip... Yeah. I was tempted to go back and demand my money but in that area they\'re quick to call the cops on angry black folks. LOL

    Good news is I heard about a trick that may help. If it works I will post it! This was definitely a lesson learned!

  5. Wow, really sorry that you paid that kind of money for such lousy service. I am really tempted to change my stylist and not from a bad style but due to his wife's lousy attitude! Over the years I had different stylists out of that salon and after my favorite two left the State I started going to the owner. Nice guy and gives great cuts. It seems now whenever I call for an appointment (answering machine you have to leave a message), my calls are not returned! I walked in to set up an appointment and the wife even said "Didn't you call before?" I replied that yes I did but never got a call back. She went back in the book and I could see where she had written down my name (five days earlier) and she never even apologized for not calling me back! Same as you, I spend a great deal of money at this salon but it's obvious the wife does not like me! This is not the first time it has happened and there have been other times when she was rude to me (I have been nothing but pleasant to her and I think it might be jealousy though I don't know why). Thank goodness she doesn't work on my hair with her attitude but really wondering if I should start looking for another salon, I really hate taking the chance on a new place but I shouldn't have to have to drive over there to make an appointment either!

    I hope whatever your trick was that you heard about worked!

  6. Wow, that is crazy! Your stylist needs to check his wife; can't have a stank attitude messing up business!
    Unfortunately the trick didn't work. I ended up cutting most of the damaged hair, and the pieces in the front I'm just trying to camouflage :(

    Thanks for posting!

  7. So sorry to hear that you had to end up cutting your hair. Luckily there are a number of ways of camouflaging the front pieces of hair until they grow out :)

    He really doesn't see it which is really scary! His nephew also works in the salon and I have an appointment for some highlights since that is the nephews specialty. After the appointment was made my stylist said he should of had me book that with his wife (I about fainted)! No way do I want her near me with scissors! I also didn't think of it at the time but his wife also booked me a haircut on the same day following the weave and I just had my hair cut, not even two months ago! Going to cancel that one as I don't get my hair cut that often, want it to grow out some after having the last of the old dye cut off. I'll keep going (for now) but my stylist will get an earful from me if he tries to get me to book appointments with his wife.


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