Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Five Worst Clutter Culprits

If you've ever put a home up for sale, you know that presentation is everything! Even if you don't use a staging professional, you know that at the very least the house should be neat and clutter-free. But wow, most people discover there is a lot more clutter in their home than they realize, and it can be overwhelming!

Blogger Sheri Reed lists her five worst clutter culprits:

1. Paper (Guilty! I have mail, work paper, papers dealing with other projects, etc. in piles)

2. Clothes (Well, more so shoes in my case)

3. Magazines (this is one I had bad a while ago, but I canceled all subscriptions and started looking at everything online. Much better now!)

4. Toiletries

5. Recipes

Are you guilty of any of these? Or do you have something else that is cluttering your space? You've seen my confessional! The good news is that it can be handled! Click here to get Sheri's tips on how to handle these clutter monsters.

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