Monday, March 7, 2011

Be a Better Buyer!

Just as there are good agents and not-so-great agents, there are good buyers and buyers that can use some improvement. Ideally, during the process of finding a home, the buyer and the buyer's agent work as a team to find the property that meets the client's needs. This may not always be an easy process, but there are ways that you can make it smoother for all involved.

1. Be honest about your finances.
You should already know your credit history and score before you begin looking for a home. If there are delinquent accounts, recent bankruptcies, etc. that could affect your credit-worthiness, it is absolutely futile to try to keep this away from your agent. It will come out when you try to get approval (or preferably pre-approval). While you don't have to go into the who, what, when & where of your financial situation, be honest and realistic with your expectations.

2. Know what you're looking for.
Shopping blind may be alright when buying shoes, but even that can lead to over-shopping... And you still may not get what you really need! Think about your needs: size, school district, general location, etc. Then think about your wants. Prioritize both lists so that you know exactly what you're looking for.

3. Don't major in the minors.
Paint can be changed. The layout of the house cannot. When you look at houses, it can be easy to get distracted. Whether you're looking at the current owners' furniture and pictures or disgusted by the horrible wallpaper, you must realize that those things are minor (and when it comes to the owners possessions, they are irrelevant unless they are including the furniture in the sale). Remember that list from #2? Keep that handy and refer to it when looking at houses.

4. Do your research.
You're not expected to know as much as your agent, of course. No one expects you to know the ins and outs of the home buying process. However, a good buyer is an informed buyer. Check out the articles on sites like, and various real estate company websites for great information. I also present my first-time buyers with a great book that explains the steps to the home buying process. Just remember: the resources are there, but they do no good if you don't take the time to actually read them!

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