Friday, July 2, 2010

You rockin' a fro for the 4th?

Will you be rocking a fro for the Fourth of July? I will! Hopefully I'll be able to make it act right =)
Anyway, the idea was first thought up over on The Long Hair Care Forum and many naturalistas will be taking part! Some are even printing out the logo (pictured above & created just for the occasion) to put on tshirts. I love it and I'm gonna try to do the same! I'm thinking either a tiffany blue or pink shirt to go with the brown... Dunno if it would really *POP* on black... White maybe?

ANYWAY, here are the two blogs I got my info from. One even has instructions which I definitely need!

My Hair.....Is Me: Afro Independence Day 2010
Her Best Hair: Preparing for Afro Independence Day

1 comment:

  1. [...] July 4th is quickly approaching, and many naturalistas will be wearing big beautiful afros (or fierce TWAs). You can find last year’s post on it here:  You rockin’ a fro for the 4th?. [...]


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