Thursday, July 1, 2010

What are your go-to products? (Plus a Product Give-away!)

When I first started transitioning and reading about natural hair, the term product junkie jumped out at me. It seemed inevitable that I would go through product after product trying to find the perfect shampoo, perfect conditioner, perfect whobobbitz to do this, that and the other to my hair.

Fortunately, that has not been the case. From the time I decided to take charge of my own hair care (remember the horror story that prompted that?) my arsenal of products has been relatively small and consistent (though some changes need to be made). A good number of them are from the same line because they seem to work great for me. Of course I don't do a lot in the way of recommending different products because I'm still learning all of this stuff as well. So here is my disclaimer: While *most of* these products work well for me, I do not know how they will work for you. Look into product ingredients, speak with a professional if you feel the need, and make an informed decision! "Tori D. said..." will not hold up in a court of law! =D Also, please note that these products are not 100% natural. While I do try to look out for "cones," petroleum/petrolatum, and mineral oil, I'm not a stickler for everything being all natural.

The Good

1. Optimum Oil Therapy Recovery Shampoo: I love it! It gives a little bit of later but not too much (unless you go way overboard with it, as I have done on a couple occasions). It gives me a pretty good amount of slip, so I can easily run my fingers/comb through my hair after washing.

2. Optimum Oil Therapy Moisturizing Creme: This product is great for detangling! I often use it before washing my hair since I've learned that detangling is a must before the water hits it. I would love to use it every day, as it gives a ton of moisture, but I don't since I've noticed it takes a while for the white color to fade. Although it says it works as a heat protectant, I have not used it as such just yet. I will try it out and see how well it does.

3.  Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Pak (not shown) and Palmer's Coconut Milk Protein Pack: I use these together when deep conditioning. Usually I let it sit for about 30 minutes or more since I'm usually trying to watch TV while doing my hair and lose track of time. I've noticed that my hair is a bit softer when I use them as opposed to just shampooing. Never used either of these for a co-wash so not sure how that would work. Also, I don't know if there are any real benefits to using them both at the same time, but I like the way it feels when I do so... *shrug*

The Bad (or just bad rap?)

Motions Leave-In Conditioner: I admit it, I may have dropped the ball on this one. I got this before I was into the whole "read the label" thing, so I didn't realize until last night that this product is chock full o' "cones." Now, I have read conflicting information as to whether or not silicones are bad for your hair, but I'm trying to stay clear of them. Plus, I'd love to find a leave-in conditioner that also works as a detangler. But honestly, I don't have any complaints about this particular product. If you're not picky about the cones, this may work for you.

The verdict is still out

1. Cantu Shea Butter: I really only use the shea butter when I'm doing the two strand twists. It works great for holding them in place, plus it gives the hair a little extra shine. Admittedly, I'm not that familiar with the benefits of shea butter. I don't have anything bad to say about it, but I don't know if it's something I'd keep in rotation.

2. Optimum Oil Therapy Scalp Quencher: I just started using this about a week ago. My scalp was getting a little dry so this was just a shot in the dark at finding a solution. So far... meh.

Honorable Mention

Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil: I did a post on my first experience with coconut oil, and not much has changed since then. I still use it mostly for my skin! However, I do occasionally use it in my hair, mostly to give it shine. The drawback is that instead of my hair absorbing the oil, it just kind of sits there, leaving my hair feeling greasy. No bueno. I'm considering trying TT's coconut oil that is specially formulated for hair. We'll see.

There are some products that I want to try because I've heard good things about them. Namely, Miss Jessie's, Carol's Daughter Hair Milk, and (to a lesser extent) Mizani's True Textures line. Plus there's the little voice in the back of my head saying, "Yeah, your hair is doing okay now... but what if it could be better?" And considering my most recent hair issues (shedding and tangling are a beast right now!), I probably do need to make some additions and/or adjustments to my product arsenal.


Now for what you really want: the give-away!

This is not my giveaway. It is being done by fellow blogger/naturalista JenellyBean at Kinky Curly Coily Me! to celebrate reaching the 100 follower mark. She is giving away samples of We Rock Roots products (click here for details). To enter, all you have to do is send a picture of you rocking your natural hair to But hurry, the deadline is July 4. Yeah I know I gave it to you on short notice, but c'mon, all you're doing is taking a pic and emailing it! You know you have 681 pictures of yourself on your phone.... No? That's just me? Oh, okay then....


  1. Hey sis!I've never tried any of these products so Ill be looking out for some at the swap meet.Thanks for the giveaway shot out!MUAH!!

  2. Great! So far, Optimum's Oil Therapy line is working great for me. And anytime! (re: giveaway)


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